This week's WT study...made me so sick.....

by stuckinarut2 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • daringhart13

    YES!!!! Rely on the God that chose JW's!!!!! he will protect you from the governments of the world during the great tribulation.............however, in the meantime, if you could just commit to a dollar amount every month please....

    .................hey, he can knock out governments........... he just needs a little spending money to keep going.

  • nowwhat?

    the delusional comments today, made me want to throw up.

    1st comment

    " i was talking to a born again minister, really nice, really knew his bible, very sincere. i felt so bad how misled he is"

    2nd comment

    "we need to increase our magazines routes, so people can read the magazines to get saved!"

    3rd comment

    "we are the only ones that can save these people!"

  • stuckinarut2

    Daringhart and nowwhat...great comments! boggles the mind....

  • leaving_quietly

    Did you notice how the completely ignore Luke 21:8?

    Ha! I didn't catch it as I was preparing, but did at the actual WT study as we were reading through paragraph 13 where they say, "We are convinced that "the hour of judgment" has, indeed arrived."

  • What is Truth?
    What is Truth?

    Yes Stuckinarut2

    It was perhaps one of the most depressing, controlling, fear-mongering, stress inducing, doctrinally incorrect, hate-inspiring, judgemental, cult-like, irrational, hyped-up, critical, crazy, stretched out, fanciful, illogical, burdensome, inflated, coersive, manipulative, and brain-snappingly weird stuff I have read for some time...

    I felt much the same. I was wondering where does the GB get this 'stuff,' sounded like a riddle someone pulled out of the gutter. Yes Moses saw the "One who is invisible" "face-to-face." Great madness they are spouting. People need to quit taking things so literally, on others word as truth something that supposedly happened thousands of years ago. One would think that as much as Jesus taught using allegories that the jw's would recognize it, yet they would of course have to read and think on it. One person actually commented on par. 16 on the power of Jehovah how He "destroyed all the Egyptians at the red sea."

    Sigh, may light shine on their path and free them from their bonds,


    LOL, Outlaw

  • Wild_Thing

    I am soooo glad I don't have to endure listening to that garbage anymore.

    It helps to hear about it second hand, though, because it helps me understand my family, and when they start acting weirder than normal.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    So they still teach that "false religion" will soon be destroyed by the governments? Clearly, the world isn't paying attention. They may point to parts of Europe and Asia where religion isn't what it used to be, but Islam isn't going away anytime soon. Hinduism is still going strong. Plenty of Christian churches are still filling seats. And these religions are an active part of electing leaders. Religions are more often destroying governments than governments destroying religion.

    And WT certainly hasn't acted like they are preparing for the time when governments will turn on them. When they used to have many branches, it gave them "safe haven" in areas of sympathy. Now it's rather few key branches that could be shut down in Germany, Mexico, Britain, etc. And I often thought when I was in bethel how easy it would be in Brooklyn if there was a sudden ban, we could disappear into the subway, or drive into traffic and just disappear into the crowd. The government wouldn't drop bombs across the river from Manhattan. Meanwhile, Wallkill could be simply bombed into oblivion. Now that "headquarters" is being moved to a remote compound, how very easy for the government to round up the GB in a matter of moments. And with all the cash that is now being sent to WT, it would be very easy for the government to round up all WT assets in one swoop. Back when individual congregations had money, they would have had more time and options for protecting money. And, of course, we used to have book study groups in homes that were supposed to prepare us for meeting under ban. That is long gone. Clearly, what WT is doing is completely different from what they claim to believe.

  • HeyThere

    sheesh, it all soumds so a movie waiting for the script to be written.

    do we have writers here? i would actually enjoy writing a script or book on this crazy...any one else tp coauthor?

  • sparrowdown

    This weeks WT study- 'you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll hurl"

  • talesin

    HeyThere, good idea, you have a PM It's very late here, shoot me one back and I'll get it tomorrow. :)

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