Evidence of Ocean of Water in or under Earth's Mantle.... Will people now state this to be proof of the Noah Account?

by adjusted knowledge 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • will-be-apostate

    Yes, yes, the inevitable question: "how did the kangoroo cross the ocean?".

    Shirley, thanks for the link, it's bookmark material. The calculation's are actually pretty simple. You can't argue with Ken Ham though.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    You can't argue with Ken Ham though


    Fundamentalists ask no questions...they only have answers like, "god did it". Don't sweat the details that make no sense or are riddled with numerous 'impossibles'. Ken Ham: "stupid is as stupid does".


    "Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers" - George Santayana

  • Crazyguy

    I have personally seen Noahs ark and Gilgamesh ark too and Anthrasans barg , it all true.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    @ Crazyguy-

    Let me guess: you were vacationing in El Dorado with Elvis and Amelia Earhart? And you got there by Unicorn? LOL.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I also hope somebody will finally calculate how much water was needed to fill up the Earth till the Mount Everest

    I have lots of problems with the bible. But the flood is not one of them.

    People who defend the flood say the earths topography was changed by it.

    So Mount Everest was not there.

    Atheistic evolutionsit believe at some point the earths plates shifted.

    They believe at one time the land masses were connected.

    Maybe the flood did that.

    As far as the kangaroos, Why could they have not evolved to be kangaroos in the time

    since the flood until today. Look at all the different kinds of dogs that have evolved from wolves

    in the past 500 years.

  • will-be-apostate

    James Brown no amount of hidrostatic pressure could supply the necessary mechanisms to make a mountain. Plate tectonics is the best theory scientists could come up with so far and explains perfectly how mountains form. Plate tectonics needs huge amount of time to produce observable (for the naked eye) changes in the environment. The question is could the increased pressure applied on these plates result in high mountains in a very short time period?

    The mechanism that makes these plates move is totally different than that of an increased pressure applied to a surface. You make a quick research on plate tectonics so that you can see yourself that the flood couldn't make those mountains.

    Shirley, do you happen to know of a youtube video that answers this question too? :D

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I have lots of problems with the bible. But the flood is not one of them.

    This is like saying, "I have lots of problems with Spiderman, but a person flying from skyscraper to skyscraper by synthetic spider webs is not one of them".

    Atheistic evolutionsit

    Atheism and evolutionism are not the same thing.


    As far as the kangaroos, Why could they have not evolved to be kangaroos in the time since the flood until today.

    In 4,000 years? Really? This statement alone reveals a massive misunderstanding of biology and science as it relates to evolution, and undermines any further arguments you can make for the Flood or against evolution.

  • tootired2care

    This still doesn't solve the kangaroo problem!

  • sporece

    God destroys mankind in the flood and in his wisdom keeps "Satan" and imperfect Noah and his family to populate the earth with the same crappy, wicked people. What did he accomplish?

    It's been proven a was a local flood and in the eyes of those living back then, not having CNN and MSNBC it would definetely be global.


  • James Brown
    James Brown

    God destroys mankind in the flood and in his wisdom keeps "Satan" and imperfect Noah and his family to populate the earth with the same crappy, wicked people. What did he accomplish?

    It's been proven a was a local flood and in the eyes of those living back then, not having CNN and MSNBC it would definetely be global.


    To me that is a much better reason to not believe in the flood.

    That is something I can understand and explain.

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