An Unsettling Experience

by snowbird 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Oh my, (((((((LTBW)))))))

    Thanks for sharing.

    I'm glad you're mending.


  • GrreatTeacher

    A small percentage of people who take antidepressants will have a paradoxical reaction meaning that the meds worsen the symptoms they are supposed to be treating. I once tried to switch to wellbutrin, but it made me extremely depressed. So, I went off of it and went back to the antidepressant I had originally been taking. I have taken these lifesaving drugs for years since I was diagnosed with Postpartum Onset Bipolar disorder.

    This paradoxical effect is not confined to psychiatric drugs. Some people find themselves wide awake after taking benadryl in over the counter sleeping pills. I have this effect from alcohol. I hear it is supposed to relax you, but when I drink, my anxiety spikes and I feel like climbing the walls.

    The important thing to remember with antidepressants is that if it makes you feel worse, stop taking them! They often advise that it might take several weeks before they start working and to keep on taking them, but that is different than them making you feel even more depressed or even psychotic. If that happens, stop taking them immediately and call your doctor. There's likely another drug that will work better with your body chemistry.

  • nonjwspouse

    GT I have been taking wellbutrin for almost two years. I am also stuggling contiuously with anorexia symptoms anytime I get even a little stressed. I had a tendancy not to remember to eat before, but after taking this medication is really seems like I can't control it.

    I guess it's time to get off this med. I wanted one that didn't make me sleepy. :(

    I tried to taper off the wellbutrin but would become overwhelmed with emotion, crying all day etc.... sigh.

    Side effects are one thing. Medication induced mental/emotional issues are another.

    I do wish I could find my balance!TBW my son is on depkote. he had a manic episode at college. It was scary enough he knew he had to see a Dr. He is now studying neuropsycology, maybe to better understand himself! I had one therapist perscribe a bi polar medication for me and after two doses refused any more. I can't describe the feeling I had but it was horrible. I don't think I have bi poalar anyway. I stopped going to that therapist. I do stuggle with depression, and that just need to be controlled in a better way than right now.

    My JW wannabe raised in the JW husband does have major depression. I wonder how much is medically induced, and how much is environmental ( upbringing in the 70's JW deaths door, you will never grow old era. )

    GT after taking benadryl most of my life for allergy symptoms it began having the opposite affect, causing an almost unbearable anxiety instead of sleepiness. Amphetamines in me make me mean as a snake, but in my husband that needs them, they calm his mind.

  • Scott77

    Hi Snowbird,

    I am glad you have discountinued them. I have never used them before and therefore, is unable to provide an objective assessment as to their effectiveness to address the issue you have raised.


  • GrreatTeacher

    Nonjwspouse, my sympathies to your son for having to deal with bipolar disorder, but he handled his episode perfectly by getting to the doctor asap.

    Personally, I feel like a general practioner doesn't have the expertise to deal with psychiatric drugs and symptoms. I always recommend seeing a psychiatrist even for a run of the mill depression. There are so many classes of drugs and combinations that can be tried to get the best result.

  • Mikado

    if you are very ill, you need medication. don't let the fact that you have had a bad reaction stop you from finding the right ones for you. it's just a matter of trial and error, but mental illness needs as much medical intervention as a physical illness, or more... good luck to you, when you are at your worst you tend to feel you will never pull through but you do......

  • snowbird

    Thanks to all who replied.

  • snowbird

    Thanks, Mikado.

    I'm doing much better now.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Quit going to meetings, field service, personal study (of wtbts literature only), quit praying to an unknown god, and you probably will lose the depression.

    Worked for me!

    just saying!


  • KateWild


    Thanks for telling us your experince. This is a very useful warning. I am glad you have recovered now.

    Kate xx

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