Drama: Not ONE word has failed! Regional Convention 2014

by OneDayillBeFree 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • OneDayillBeFree

    Looks like the Borg spent all it's money on hd panels, gigabit internet connections and iPads cause this is by far the lamest and most stupid drama ever in the history of the org!

    Apart from the worse than porn-without-the-porn acting and dialogue, the special effects consist of square painted panels and a crappy blue screen. Also the lighting looks like it was made using flashlights.

    Even the die hards we're laughing at it and mentioned how silly it looked.

    I envy all of those that aren't attending this "historic 100-years-since-Christ's-reign" convention.

    This was OneDay reporting live from inside the convention center.

  • Phizzy

    Of course the reality is that Not One Word Has Come True !

    But the W.T and JW's are about as far removed from reality as it is possible to get.

  • A.proclaimer

    What was the drama about?

  • Jeannette

    It shows how far behind they are getting. With all their high-faluting talk about how they are god's organization on earth, they should have access to the most progressive electronic digital free from god. But I'm glad it looks stupid-plant a seed maybe? water a seed maybe about how this is not what they have proposed to be.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Cults tend to make very poor quality "art."

  • baltar447
  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I don't really speak Spanish, but all I could hear in the audio is, "grande pendejo WT Consejo de administración".

    (rough translation: the WT GB are big a**holes).

  • NotNew

    SUNDAY 8 “Come, . . . Inherit the Kingdom”

    —Matthew 25:34


    9:20 Music
    9:30 SongNo.30andPrayer
    9:40 Symposium:AnticipateFutureKingdomBlessings!

    A World Without Satan (Revelation 20:2, 3, 7, 10) One Language (Zephaniah 3:9; Zechariah 14:9) Perfect Health (Job 33:25; Isaiah 33:24) Complete Harmony With the Animals

    (Isaiah 11:6-9)
    Paradise Earth (Luke 23:43)
    New Scrolls (Revelation 20:12)
    Association With Multitudes of Resurrected Ones

    ( Job 14:14, 15)
    Ability to Praise Jehovah Perfectly

    (Revelation 5:13)
    11:10 SongNo.134andAnnouncements 11:20 PublicBibleDiscourse:

    Earth’s New Ruler—Who Really Qualifies? (Isaiah 42:1-4)

    11:50 Summaryof TheWatchtower 12:20 SongNo.99andIntermission


    1:35 Music
    1:45 SongNo.16
    1:50 Stayon‘theHighwayofHoliness’IntoGod’s

    Kingdom! (Isaiah 35:5-9)
    2:10 Drama:‘NotOneWordHasFailed’(Joshua1:2,11;

    2:1-24; 7:1, 10-26; 9:1-27; 10:1-14; 23:14)
    2:40 SongNo.132andAnnouncements
    2:50 “NeverBeAnxious”—KeepSeekingFirstGod’s

    Kingdom (Matthew 6:1-34; Proverbs 15:15; 1 Peter 5:8, 9)

    3:50 SongNo.91andClosingPrayer

  • Wild_Thing

    I have to see this monstrosity for myself on video. The audio in Spanish does nothing for me. Mostly because I can't understand it.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    New Scrolls (Revelation 20:12)


    Another WT lie in plain sight. Read the scripture, then tell me where it says "new".

    I did this little exercise with a JW and they stood there like a monkey doing a math problem. Totally confused, trying to correlate what they just read with what they've been told their entire life.

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