New Tract for August 2014 - Scan

by BluesBrother 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • passwordprotected

    Jesus said I am the way, the truth and the life. Governing Body says forget that, fire up JW.Org on your iPhone.

  • thinking_not_believing

    This tract is hilarious.

    Reminds me of my last days attending meetings. We were joking that the Society was going out of business and that you would have to download the Watchtower and print out your own copy for the meeting.

    Haha, doesnt seem to far away now.

  • BluePill2

    Outlaw: Mate, I would love to see that chicken video. Actually I actually could see me baptizing again over a funny chicken video. But, nah, let's not kid ourselves, the Witness cult is not THAT funny and THAT smart...

    This tract is a new low. People like my mother that joined the cult in the 70's and absolutely devoured books like Babylon the Great has fallen, etc. will be dismayed, but they are now old and weak and don't have the strength to leave and re-think their decisions. This is clearly dropping the old folks and trying to survive for the future.

    They are in absolute, desperate survival mode!

    Showing an iPhone and someone switching images is a pathetic and stupid attempt "to look cool". It's like that awkward nerd at school that wants to impress showing off some gadget.

    They are neither a religion nor a cool, hip, internet-startup. They want to be both and are neither.

    I am an atheist and don't want anything to do with ANY religion, but nowadays I have more respect towards Catholics than to Witnesses. At least they keep their tradition and stick to what they are.

  • steve2

    Phizz! Listen carefully.....that's the sound of a spectacular misfire. Promote the internet and, ipso facto, make the house-house ministry seem so yesterday. Oops - we didn't mean to do that, brothers and sisters. Get your butts out there to promote Talk about making house-to-house work irrelevant.

  • baldeagle

    We’ve come a long way since this August 15, 2011 Watchtower.

    The WTS has gone “all in” regarding the “evil” Internet.

  • moomanchu

    Find the bible's answer to these questions at

    Wouldn't you find the bible's answer in the bible?

    Just a piece of paper folded in half, how lame.

  • AnnOMaly

    All those tract placements will be counted on the report slips. Books, brochures and mags are downloadable online and pdfs can also be counted as 'placements' via email, so much less real paper placements out in the field. Annual FS reports still have to have impressive-looking figures for the r&f to coo over, and that's how they're doing it.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    November 8, 2011


    Re: Use of electronic tablets

    Dear Brothers:

    We have received inquiries on the use of an electronic tablet, such as an iPad, when conducting the Watchtower Study or for viewing notes when giving a public talk. Herein we wish to provide some guidelines concerning this matter.

    There is no objection to the use of an electronic tablet by an attendee in the audience as a means of following along electronic tablet or other similar device should not be used on the platform... is felt that using an electronic tablet from the platform could prompt others to feel that they too should invest in such a device. Additionally, since many brothers cannot afford such a device, using one prominently from the stage could, in effect, create “class distinctions” or appear to be a “showy display of one’s means of life.”—Jas. 2:4; 1John 2:16.

    Thank you for noting this direction being so gullible. We send our warm Christian love latest policy of more control-freak nonsense.

    Your Brothers Your Human Rulers ,

    The Elite 8 7, The One and Only, Governing Body™ (It's good the be the King).

  • WTWizard

    The site is a worm--at that, one that is going into your brain. Similar to a computer worm, but I think it is a bit harder to remove a worm from your brain than one from your computer. Go onto that site and believe what is contained therein, you are in for damnation. You will be in for money problems, health issues, sexual repression, and so on. Life will be a drudgery, and there is a good chance of this carrying into your next life.

    Better to come to this site. This site has a well rounded look at the washtowel and the whole LIE-ble, coming from both sides. You need both sides of the story if you are to come to a valid conclusion. Direct people here, and then to Joy of Satan to get an even better look at the other side of that damnation book. Additionally, if they make everyone who is going to get baptized read both Crisis of Conscience (a very Christian take on the washtowel) and Joy of Satan in its entirety before getting baptized, anyone who still chooses to get baptized will be in for full knowledge of what they are getting themselves into before.

  • sir82

    My first impression, trying to view this as a "worldly person":

    "Where can you find answers to life's important my cell phone? What kind of nutty message is that?"

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