The Great Crowd

by seekchristonly 91 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Phizzy

    The Bible is at best Historical Fiction.

    WIKI : " Historical fiction is a literary genre in which the action takes place in the past. The settings are drawn from history, and often contains historical persons. Works in this genre often portray the manners and social conditions of the persons or times presented in the story,

    with attention paid to period detail ".

  • designs

    Instead of spending time posting a course in remedial spelling would do wonders....just sayin

  • seekchristonly

    yes newhop i agree with you thanksand a good way of putting it lol

  • seekchristonly

    yeha perhaps you cna join me on that spelling course designs just sayin as you put it .In my ignorance perhaps if you add g to saying you my spell it correctly . Peace and love

  • KateWild

    KW what happened to you.-SCO

    Still here, just posting on other threads too. And reading your experience. So you're from the UK too. I am in Liverpool, are you close? I ahve family in London too. Are you close?

    Kate xx

  • seekchristonly

    hi Katie

    I live in lowestoft Suffolk work in SOuthampton and come from Sunderland ehehe. Whats your story it owuld be nice to share

  • KateWild


    We have a couple from Southhampton, cantleave and Nugget. We went to visit them in Dec. My story is that our family were victims of domestic violence at the hands of my JW husband. When I tried to expose him, I got told not to go to the police and got Df'd for reviling.

    When you have 35 mins to spare you can watch my youtube of my story and my JC meeting recording. Kate xx

  • seekchristonly

    yes thanks i will watchit and if you hav etime have a look at my channel seekchrist only


    sorry to hear about your bad experience. In the end at least you got yuor life back. DO you know marc and Cora who are ex witnesses they tlak alot about their exp on youtube and i tihnk they have appeared on six screens of the watchtower

  • designs

    0 geeez six screens

  • seekchristonly

    Kate i watched yourvideo and amamazed at the attitude of those who are shepharding. The lack of empathy and love was overwhelming. Whatever happend to puttingup withone another,forgiving freely, enduring each others weaknesses, carryinge each other etc etc.I thought you were magnificant in what was a highly emtional time. Peace love and respect to you. I have learned never to pass judgment on anyone just as we are instructed to do. I have learned to treat all the same whoever and whatever they are. The lack of True love and compassion in the churches is astounding. I wish you well hope and pray that all good things coem to you whatever you do in life


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