Something I Just Learned ...

by snowbird 22 Replies latest social humour

  • snowbird


    Good ones, GT and ADCMS.

  • ShirleyW

    Can't be something you just learned Sylvie, that black don't crack saying is probably older than you and me.

    Have to say though, Caroline Kennedy was born two weeks before I was in the same hospital, my mother was already there due to complications, so everytime she or her family were on TV I always heard that story ad nauseum. So when I finally saw her in person about two years ago I was absolutely gobsmacked, we all meet that one person that we went to school with or something that looks a hundred years old, well . . . ol' Caroline totally gobsmacked me, other folks I still run into black and white don't look as wrinkled and aged as she does.

  • snowbird

    Honest, SW.

    My first time hearing it.

    I've noticed those wrinkles around sweet Caroline's eyes.

    I have a niece who was born in November of '57, also.

    Not even a fine line, let alone a wrinkle, graces her face.

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