oh cr@p!! its my turn for "an elder called and wants to arrange a shepherding call" thread. Moral support please.

by MissFit 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannabefree

    MissFit ... a couple of elders showed up at my door the week of the CO visit wanting to meet with me, we set a tentative time to meet, I followed up with a "that day isn't going to work for me" he said we would talk and set up a time later .... that was 7 weeks ago ... most likely the elder doesn't really care if he gets to meet with you (maybe he has genuine concern), what he does care about is that he can report to the CO that he did his job.

  • AlphaMan

    He called me at work and left a message for me to call him back.

    He asked me to call him and let him know.


    Don't give him any power or authority over you. You don't have to call him back. Only answer the phone again if he calls you at work. Then answer and really tell him off how rude and inappropriate it is for him to call you at your work. One easy way to rid yourself of JW elder intrusion is to have a reason to tell them off really good and act like they have really offended you.

  • jgnat
  • MissFit

    Lol:"This ain't a good time, when is it ever

    I know a perfect time

    And baby it's never."

    Great advice.

    I just needed some reinforcements.

    I will just treat this like I would a solicitor's call. I don't return the call and I say no thank you if they call.

    I will tell the desk to screen any calls and take a



    Miss.Fit of the no one's home class.

  • SyntaxError1974

    I would make it clear that it is inapproprite to call you for personal business at work. Nip #1 in the bud ASAP.

    Next, if they make an unscheduled visit, politely but firmly tell them that now is a bad time. You can be polite and firm at the same time. In the sheperding book (elders manual) they are told to make appointments, not just drop in. You can direct thier memories to that by saying "im sorry, i didnt know you were coming. now is a really bad time". They may try to set up another appointment then. A simple "im sorry, i just dont feel like talking right now" and slowly shut the door.

    Thier instructions are "to make contact with inactive ones". They will have filled that instruction and move on.

    I say this as a MS that goes on these calls.

  • Hairtrigger

    Strange , I got a call from an elder in the company of his CO a few days ago at work. Wanted to know if I was around to have coffee. Never has invited me for coffee in the years I have known him.Told him I was at the office. Said that since there were meetings on Wed and Sun he hoped to see me there. I responded with a noncomittal grunt. Didn't mention the CO was with him though. His voice sounded kinda highpitched as if he knew I knew what he was about, but just had to do his job. Funny how these geezers can't keep an even voice when trying their "Cloak and Stagger"stuff.

  • stillin

    Calling you at work is like encouraging you to steal from your employer.

  • Rattigan350

    you mean Morale support, not moral support. You want people to support your morale, not your morals.

  • bigmac

    if he calls again--tell him youre having money problems--and have no one else to turn to. ask him to lend you £/$????----see if he contacts you again.

  • jgnat

    Rattigan, grammar police checking in. Moral support is the correct term.


    English doesn't have to make sense. It just is.

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