How Will The Governing Body Decide Which Kingdom Hall Properties To Sell First When They Need Cash To Pay Child Molestation Lawsuits?

by frankiespeakin 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • frankiespeakin

    Well I think it is safe to say that when push comes to shove and they need money the Governing Body will start selling these buildings. Now maybe this new pledgeing money on a regular monthly basis and robbing the congregation's of their bank accounts that are higher than three month running cost might forestall the sale of kingdom halls in the immediate future probably or most likely.

    But when the going get tuff they will be selling them right out from under the publishers who paid for them. This will be tramatic to many when this occures, any way word will spread no matter how much they try to stop it. So how will the Governing Body decide which halls to sell first? Will they get a big map and throw darts and the closest kingdom hall to the dart goes on the auction block? How will they make this decision there are so many KHs probably thousands which ones do you choose?

    Well I'm thinking the Kingdom halls with the lowest donations for the WT Corporation get chosen first, they don't want to upset the high rollers but those poor congregations that yeild small returns piss them off first make them travel 50 miles to get to a meeting why care if they stop going at all because they ain't contributing it also may serve to make some Congregations start uping their pledge amount once they see the patern(low contribtion to the WT your Hall goes up for sale) and put 2 and 2 together.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I said EXACTLY this to my wife last night - after the low pledge amount was announced. (less than £1 per publisher)

    "Consolidation" of Kingdom Halls will be the solution, to separate the sheep from the goats - those with fleece to give, and those who don't!

    The Org ain't gonna keep congregations in existence if they aren't self-financing AND generating income for 'Mother' - especially those in the developed countries!

  • frankiespeakin

    Yup just do the math and it makes sense to me, but perhaps i could be missing something.

  • scary21

    I think both of you are on to something. Also sell the KH's that are in a very high priced neighborhood where property values are high, and build another in a lower priced neighborhood. Sell one for 1 million build one for 500,000.........pocket 500,00 .

  • jw07

    "...but those poor congregations that yeild small returns piss them off first make them travel 50 miles to get to a meeting why care if they stop going at all because they ain't contributing..."

    When they bitch about the distance they will be reminded about "our brothers in Africa who have to travel 100+ miles to attend the meetings each week".

  • frankiespeakin

    It would be nice if some congregation's could find a loop hole in the by laws and put an end to the Governing Body robbery of real estate as un ethical and a violation of mis appropriation of funds. I feel the Governing Body is a day late and a dollar short when it comes to removal of labels designations on the contribution boxes and now feels it can dip into a congregation till any time they want to and for any reason undisclosed. We may see some very interesting court cases in the future I think.

  • frankiespeakin

    BTTT for the kingdom halls sold and the WT corporation pocketing the money for the kingdumb work, and for all the JW told to go fly a kite by the GB when inquiring about the funds of the sold hall.

  • Finkelstein

    Sorry folks the WTS. has hundreds of millions on hand to take care of impending law suits,

    given the number of possible law suits that may occur now and into the future.

    They don't need to sell anything. ............ unfortunately.

  • frankiespeakin

    wanna bet?

  • Finkelstein

    Yes I would.

    Not that I wouldn't like to see the WTS. financially crumble.

    There simply isn't enough law suits to force the WTS. to go into that direction.

    Perhaps decades ago a few million dollar law suits could bring down the WTS. but not now, its simply too rich.

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