Detroit International Convention, June 6-8 - IS the public invited?

by Faithful Witness 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Watchtower-Free
  • awakenyr2004

    Dubs who attended the Long Beach Convention in California last weekend were super excitited that they were tapped into the Detroit convention to listen to one of the "great ones" give a talk. Somebody named Loech? don't know the name exactly or the spelling but one of the annointed I guess. Someone posted on Instagram how priviledged they felt getting to hear him. Oh Lord! Give me a break!

  • sir82

    Somebody named Loech? don't know the name exactly or the spelling but one of the annointed I guess. Someone posted on Instagram how priviledged they felt getting to hear him.

    Gerrit Losch, one of the governing body.

    I was at a different convention where it was tied in.

    "Privileged" is not the word I would use.

    "Bored" comes to mind. "Astounded that people can be so delusional" - well that's a bunch of words but it fits.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Which day were they blessed with the appearance of Gerrit Losch?

    I was relieved to hear that my parents left Detroit Friday night. The shuttle bus arrangements were an absolute fiasco, during rush hour in Detroit. My mom was on a new medication, where she was not supposed to be out in the sun. Little did she know, that was going to be standing in a line 2 blocks long, waiting for so long in the HOT sun! She started hallucinating and said "people had purple spots all over their faces..."

    They "rushed" her to the front of the line, but it still took them about 2 hours to get back to the hotel. Of course, my brother in law and sister had already been back long enough to go and have dinner before they got back. Apparently, he has some privileges that my dad does not have.

    Anyway, my dad got pissed, packed his suitcase and left. "I've had enough of this bull&*it. We are not staying one more day!" They even took home the elderly man who rode along with them to the convention.

    Of course, my mom is relaying this story to me, so embarassed and humiliated that she made a spectacle of herself. She wished she could have stayed for the whole convention. Ugh.

    Just wondering which day the blessed appearance was... I know my sister and her family saw it, and clearly took the speeches to heart. They did NOT come to the family reunion.

  • Apognophos

    I think Loesch spoke on Saturday and Sunday (for those who were at, or tied into, Detroit). He wasn't the only member of the GB that was heard from. Lett appeared in a video. I don't recall either of them talking about the importance of shunning ex-JW family; that was in a separate part on Saturday given by a "regular" brother.

    It's common practice in corporations to have the middle management be the "bad cops", while the CEO keeps a distance from being associated with layoffs etc. and only talks about positive, upbeat stuff to the workers.

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