Did the WT ever unofficially ban Kal-El?

by HowTheBibleWasCreated 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    They were worried about 'the force' because it was like the holy spirit?... Did any Eastern religions ban star wars because it made Chi seem more real? Probably not

  • LisaRose

    The JWs have a tendency to notice the "straw in the eye" while overlooking the rafter in their own. Many times the fact that they condemn a movie is based on guesses and misinformation, while they themselves go to movies that are actually far worse. If they weren't so busy condemning others they might have time to actually help others, not burden them with nitpicking.

    Not that that ever happened to me.

  • suavojr

    Some JW's were ranting about Avatar in my area, and then I find out our CO gave a talk about how nice the blue colors looked

  • kneehighmiah

    Avatar was mentioned by over zealous brothers from the platform and during comment from the audience in my area.

  • fastJehu

    JW.ORG says: http://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/do-jehovahs-witnesses-ban-certain-entertainment/

    Last sentence: " Outside the family, however, no one is authorized to ban specific films, songs, or artists as being unacceptable for members of the congregation."

    And JW.ORG has the "truth". If we would ask the JW press officer - he would say: "in JW land there are no unofficially rules about films".

  • Pistoff

    From Jehu:

    "Last sentence: " Outside the family, however, no one is authorized to ban specific films, songs, or artists as being unacceptable for members of the congregation."

    And JW.ORG has the "truth". If we would ask the JW press officer - he would say: "in JW land there are no unofficial rules about films".

    Anyone who has been a witness knows this is false, or at least disingenuous; they may not 'ban' them, like they don't 'ban' college, but they will demonize movies, books and music they think is harmful.

  • Apognophos

    By the way, Superman's creators, Siegel and Shuster, would be surprised to hear that their creation was a Jesus figure, seeing as they were Jewish. He was based on the concept of Nietzche's übermensch.

    And just because a certain CO does not like something and rails against it in a talk (as one of my COs did with "Titanic", the same CO that Found Sheep had), does not mean the Society is unofficially banning it. It means that CO wants to make an example of that movie. Something just got up his butt about it and he wanted to rant. COs have the leeway to do that kind of thing. Paul gave his personal opinions in some of his letters, such as 1 Corinthians 7 where he suggests remaining single, so there's a long-established precedent for this sort of thing.

  • BluesBrother

    Back in the day they published other people's ctiticism of the T V programme "Dallas" , and in the '90's of "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers" also "

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” and general criticism of the genre "soap operas" as late as 2007 . However none of this amounted to a ban... Many of us dubs still enjoyed "Dallas" in it's day. That was a reflection of dodgy taste in T V drama and not rebellion against the WTBS

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Guy Pierce dissed BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN at our circuit assembly because of its theme, and a WT publication condemned E.T. because the little boy called his older brother "penis breath."

  • punkofnice

    As Blondie says...the paedophile protecting scum don't mention specific names......it is the r&f that do. When I was in the cult I bot fed up with Harry Potter getting mentioned all the time.

    The paedo protecting cult leaders only want you to watch their propoganda DVDs and put money in the box so the gb can continue to have power, a comfy life style and to continue to protect perverts like themselves.

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