Can White JWs Have Mustaches?

by Space Madness 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    Sorry, 99% shaved. A funny story, when the black brothers shaved

    it was known that you were a JW. I would say 90% of black males

    wear a mustache (18 and over). I remember a study asking a brother,

    " so if I become a JW I can't wear a mustache"? So the brother told hiim

    what we were told, Angels can't distingush. The study never became a JW,

    not sure if that was reason.

  • will-be-apostate

    In my ex-cong one of the elders had mustache. I know many others who have. Beard on the other hand is a big no-no. You can't have privilages if you have beard.

    Jam, that's insane. What a bunch of fools. One angel can kill 6.42 human/second but can't tell the difference between a jw and a non-jw? That's their logic. My brain is melted from this one.

  • blondie
  • mrquik

    Was an elder in upstate NY; always had a mustache. Never was a problem with anyone.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I was in the process of permanently moving across country and settled into my mother's congregation for about 6 months. One of the older elders says to me, "Are you willing to serve with the elders while you are here, taking assignments." I said yes. He then said "You will have to shave your mustache, we don't allow the elders to have one." I knew who the elders were and I realized none of them had one. I thought that was ridiculously extreme. I said "Well, maybe I don't want to serve with your elders then." He came back with "Just kidding." He really was just kidding, but it did disturb me that some congregations had silly rules.

  • Captain Obvious
    Captain Obvious

    I'm pretty sure it's a requirement in my neck of the woods to be an elder. Serve-us hours? Check. full stache from nose to lip? Check... He's in!

  • punkofnice

    I'm a honkey with 3 mixed race kids and I had a tash. Mind you I'm in the UK.

    As far as I understand the USA JW's work in an entirely different way racially to over here. Looking at the media it looks like the USA suffers from a deeper hatred of black folk than we do over here. Hence during the war the propaganda shown to the US troops showed a black bloke having tea with a white person in the UK. We don't much care on the whole about all that racial stuff. Yes we have out looney Nazis but it seems to a far less degree than the USA. Is this true?

  • BluesBrother

    Absolutely agree with Punk. The race issue has never gone so deep, except for a fringe element of society. Back in the day black American entertainers thought it was wonderful here because nobody made a thing of their colour.

    Around here it is , and has been, perfectly O K for an elder to wear a mustach..I have never seen a D O with one though...

  • bigmac
  • jam

    I remember talking to a black sister that was around when the borg

    was segregated(certain states in the US). I thought that was odd,

    segregation in Jehovah organization. She told me that was the law

    doing that time. I ask her wasn't it the law to serve in the military??

    She said, yes we were being blessed the same as the white brothers

    while sitting in the balcony..LOL

    That was the beginning of my down fall from grace (serving where the

    need was great). I thought surely Jehovah's organization was out front

    in showing brotherly love, equality. No, I found out it was the Catholicism.

    The borg was one of the last to integrate.

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