I want to communicate better, and would appreciate your help.

by KateWild 111 Replies latest members private

  • KateWild

    It's the opposite of comprehensive or understandable. It simply provides a convenient stopping point to embrace ignorance while feeling good about it.-Viv

    I feel this is an example intellectual intimidation. It's a form of attacking people. Using the word ignorance and applying it to others is discrediting them and attacking.

    Like everytime someone ignorantly makes claims about me, like how Kate did several times, it shows how they don't value knowing people at all.-Viv

    I am not making an ignorant claims, I am presenting the facts. Kindly stop using intellectual intimidation when you respond to my posts like you said you would on this thread.

    Thanks Kate xx

  • KateWild

    I will try to be nicer in the way I post to her.-Viv

    Your post 918, lets see if we can move forward Viv. Kate xx

  • Viviane

    I feel this is an example intellectual intimidation. It's a form of attacking people. Using the word ignorance and applying it to others is discrediting them and attacking.

    Too bad. It's the appropriate word. I cannot help it accurately describing something bothers you.

    I am not making an ignorant claims, I am presenting the facts. Kindly stop using intellectual intimidation when you respond to my posts like you sad you would on this thread.

    If you continue to pretend you posted true things about me, will post the PMs where you apologized for posting untrue and ignorantly written things about me.

    Oh, and I AM being nice to you. We are having an adult conversation using accurate words. No one is being called names. If that's too much for you, then it is imcumbent upon you to stop the conversation.

  • KateWild

    Too bad. It's the appropriate word. I cannot help it accurately describing something bothers you-Viv

    Well I disagree, your attaking me because you don't like what I say. It's never appropriate to use intellectual intimidation you would know this if you had looked into what intellectual intimidation actually is. It's a form of bullying. I am not making stuff up about you I am presenting facts.

    On this forum you are frequently posting things that infer other posters are ignorant, they just disagree with your opinion.

    Evidently you don't want to move on. Well that's just your problem.

  • KateWild

    We are having an adult conversation using accurate words.-Viv

    Actually, I think you're being rather childish rehashing old opinions especially in the light of the fact we said we were friends. But that's my opinion.

  • KateWild

    Laughable from someone that constantly goes off topic. You apologized for making false claims about me, we can drop it to avoid further embarassment for you due to your behavior.-Viv

    Why are you even bring this all up again? I disagree I don't go off topic.

  • villagegirl

    I have no social skills whatsoever and they haven't banned me.

  • Viviane

    Well I disagree, your attaking me because you don't like what I say. It's never appropriate to use intellectual intimidation you would know this if you had looked into what intellectual intimidation actually is. It's a form of bullying. I am not making stuff up about you I am presenting facts.

    You can disagree all you like, as is your right. You're wrong, but interestingly, you have the right to be wrong and dishonest, loudly and often, apparently.

    On this forum you are frequently posting things that infer other posters are ignorant, they just disagree with your opinion.

    Wrong again. When you make claims about things you cannot possibly know, that is an ignorant claim and all I have ever said. I've explained that to you 100 different ways. I can't help you if you don't get that.

    Evidently you don't want to move on. Well that's just your problem.

    Stop making stuff up about me, starting threads about me and posting OT things on my thread and you won't keep getting called on it.

    This isn't high school, act like an adult.

    Why are you even bring this all up again? I disagree I don't go off topic.

    You're disagreeable. And wrong. If you post again regarding me again, I will post your PM's to me apologizing for making things up. This is me letting you off the hook. Take the opportunity and leave me alone.

  • KateWild

    If you post again regarding me again, I will post your PM's to me apologizing for making things up. This is me letting you off the hook. Take the opportunity and leave me alone.-Viv

    Restorting to threats like this just shows your true colours. If you respond to my posts, I will respond if I wish. If you want me to leave you alone then ignore all my posts. Simple

  • Fernando

    Personally I've not found your posts rude or offensive.

    Is it possible that you have been misunderstood and/or misrepresented?

    Still it's great that you're open to criticism and improvement.

    We all could improve our communication skills - especially after exiting a high control group (aka cult).

    The best communicators have well developed listening skills.

    The old two ears one mouth story - we should validate and dignify others by listening more than we speak.

    Ask questions and be genuinely interested in the answers and responders.

    Try not to present opinion as fact.

    Try not to be controlling.

    Try to be refreshing and upbuilding.

    Try to be sensitive towards others feelings.

    Give others the benefit of the doubt.

    Interacting where there is little or no common ground can be perilous.

    Walk away from insults and fights.

    Practice using "objective language".

    Of course be true to yourself, and kind as well.

    You are special and unique.

    Best wishes on the journey.



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