I want to communicate better, and would appreciate your help.

by KateWild 111 Replies latest members private

  • Viviane

    I also understand where you are coming from, but if you looked at it from Laika's pespective you may inderstand why he made that comment to back me up. Thank you for telling me you are not trying to get me banned also. I appreciate that.

    What is there to understand? I didn't do any of the things ascribed to me, nor did I ever say I would get anyone banned. Not one word of any of that is true. Why in the world is there anything I need to be understanding.

  • KateWild

    Sorry Viv,

    I completely misunerstood you. Apologies Kate xx

  • talesin

    Kate, I would not worry about it. Some people are very good at twisting words. They like to bait others, and then pretend to be all shocked when they are called out.

    I understand your concerns, having AS - a lifetime of misunderstandings, and also, it seems people using it against you to make you feel 'less than' (in the case of your ex). People got banned from here for repeatedly and deliberately stirring the pot, over and over.

    Some of those people have made a pledge to come back here under different names (that is called 'sock puppets'), and stir things up. They think it's a lot of fun to upset people like yourself - not saying that's the case in this instance, of course. ;)

    Anytime you truly feel you have said something insulting because you were a bit quick, maybe a bit angry... just say "sorry" and move on. Simon doesn't ban posters unless it is for good reason.



  • KateWild

    Thanks Tal,

    But I don't want my AS to get the better of me, I want to overcome it. You advice is good and I do think that I apologise when I have been a bit quick to answer. Sometimes though due to my AS I doubt myself when I am not in the wrong. I need to improve with that too and then learn to let it go.

    Thanks for your advice.

    This thread has really helped me, thanks everyone for your input

    Kate xx

  • millie210

    Hi Kate,

    I personally find you very honest and that is refreshing and fun. I read a LOT here and post very little. Not once have I seen you be deliberately unkind.

    We all know its the internet and we all know how much people want to be "known" and to express their views. Bound to be some clashes right?

    I had my first really bad experience here yesterday myself. Had me rethinking whether I can get what I need (unbiased clear thinking) from this forum.

    A good nights sleep, taking a deep breath or two and today all is well.

    Keep being who you are. Everyone should be allowed that.

  • KateWild

    Thanks Millie,

    I am sorry you had a bad experience, but I suppose you're right it's the internet. I do always make sure I am honest, hopefully we have resolved our issues now. Kate xx

  • Oubliette

    Kate, for what it's worth, I think I've read roughly have of your 3495 posts (and counting) and never once did I find you to be rude or offensive!

    You do often come across as hurt, angry, frustrated, and confused, but never rude, at least not to me.

    That's just my 2 cents, or 2 pence in your case!


    PS: I just read your thread about your Asperger's, which is something I am familiar with. That fact that you even care about whether or not you've offended someone is, in my experience, atypical of a person with Asperger's.

    My suggestion is that if you are going to make a statement that could possibly offend, take a moment to think about how the other person may interpret your comment. This will likely be hard for you. But thinking before speaking and/or writing is always a good thing.

    Welcome feedback in this regard from others and take the time to be instrospective. Give yourself time to develop your empathic skills. Learn how to communicate more sensitively and persuasively. It's not always what you say, but how you say it that matters to people. As much as we'd like to think we are very calm, logical, rational beings, we are more often than not simply emotional beasts responding without thinking.

    Finally, realize that no matter what you do or how you do it, someone, somewhere will be offended. That is their problem.

  • KateWild


    I read yesterdays posts I know what you're talking about. You wanted to reach a happy medium. I can see that. But like you said there are bound to be clashes, keep posting Millie, I feel encouraged by your participation on this thread.

    Kate xx

  • KateWild


    Oh my word, I've overtaken you in posts. I have an addiction. Thanks for your input and encouragement. You have helped me loads on my journey. I was close friends with some elders in the circuit, they were genuine and caring individuals, and to meet elders like you on a site like this is so upbuilding and something we publishers really need.

    You have really shepherded me well Oub, and you continue to do so. All the elders on this site I see as active elders wanting to help the sheep, whether they are df'd or not they are elders to me.


    Kate xx

    I want to communicate better, and would appreciate your help.

    .....................When People don`t understand me..


    ............................I Explain My Point Of View..

    ..............................With a Large Dead Fish..


    ..................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

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