I want to communicate better, and would appreciate your help.

by KateWild 111 Replies latest members private

  • KateWild

    I am not being rude to you. I honestly don't care enough about you to get you banned-Viv

    Telling somebody you don't care about them is being rude IMO. But I suppose it's subjective. I would never say something like that to you, because I do care about you and everyone on this site that has suffered at the hands of WT, this is why I am here.

    Kate xx

  • Viviane

    I didn't say I don't care about you. You are distorting what I very specifically wrote. Read it again without reading more into it that simply and exactly what I wrote.

  • KateWild

    Sometimes the problem is the other person and not the way you communicate.-Laika

    Thanks for that, due to my ASD I sometimes doubt it when it is the other person. What's the harm though in always trying to improve your communication skills. You said the same as new hope, sometimes it's best not to engage. I really need to work on that one. It's a recurring point I need to act on.

    Kate xx

  • KateWild

    I would not doubt if I also have the same traits as well. If nothing else it has kept me honest.-CAA

    It's nice to see you taking it on board and looking at the benefits. It is a benefit that us Aspies are truthful. Kate xx

  • BU2B

    I like your posts Kate.. Every time I post here with an experience I had, or to vent, or for advice, you are one of the first here encouraging me.

    I have never been banned, but I have had some of my posts and threads dissapeared. Sometimes I really dont know the reason or who does it but maybe a moderator just didnt like my opinion.

    Anyways I value you and what you have to say, for what its worth :)

  • punkofnice

    It makes me feel like I am in WT land again.

    Well to be honest that's the legacy of the brainwashing we suffered at the hands of the paedophile protecting Governing Body(tm) so little wonder there are vestiges of it.

    Damn the WBT$, it's messed with some of us.

  • Laika

    I understand Kate, I don't always communicate well so it's not my area of expertise! Another thing here, is this person comes across as abusive to me, threatening you then claiming you're not worth it and constantly nitpicking at everything you write are massive red flags, you've been there before so I imagine this jumped out to you, don't let abusers define your worth! God knows we've all done enough of that.

  • Viviane

    Another thing here, is this person comes across as abusive to me, threatening you then claiming you're not worth it and constantly nitpicking at everything you write are massive red flags, you've been there before so I imagine this jumped out to you, don't let abusers define your worth! God knows we've all done enough of that.

    Except, that's not actual reality. Please stop making things up.

  • KateWild


    Thanks very much. Tbh, I really feel for your situation. You are honest about everything and sometimes think of yourself in a negative light. I can relate to a lot of what you say, so it's easy to encourage you as you are very clear about you situation and your feelings.

    Thank you for posting though, we all need a pat on the back now and again.

    I look forward to an update soon

    Kate xx

  • KateWild


    Thanks for your side of the story.


    I also understand where you are coming from, but if you looked at it from Laika's pespective you may inderstand why he made that comment to back me up. Thank you for telling me you are not trying to get me banned also. I appreciate that.

    Thank you both for your posts

    Kate xx

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