Do you think JW’s are dangerous, if yes why? If not, why?

by suavojr 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    The cult does ruin lives, and they ensnare innocent people. And, what makes them potentially even worse is that they think baptism is some binding contract, not simply membership. Once you get baptized, you agree to serve joke-hova in any way absolutely (not reasonably) possible forever. The agreement is made public when you get baptized. And, since joke-hova does not let its property go without fighting back, that thing could well get one of its judges to uphold such contract as legally binding. Yes, despite the washtowel claiming Satan controls the judicial system (He does not), joke-hova really controls it. Both systems serve together to enslave people.

    And, an exceptionally dangerous time is forthcoming. And this is beyond the damnation workings and the draining of people and congregations of funds. Joke-hova likes to use planetary energy (despite banning us from using it and trifling such so no one here can use it) to its purpose of enslaving us all. And, with Saturn entering Sagittarius, it is prime time to throw scams into the mix. The jokehovian witlesses will have a field day, literally, and all the more so if Internet II comes. People want something other than mainstream, especially since the mainstream is also controlled by joke-hova (who controls both sides). Along comes the jokehovian witless, and they provide a logical explanation, even though they take the wrong side of the issue. Result: People get scammed into signing the Contract of Damnation and getting baptized into serving joke-hova.

    As for those already in, we know how it is to leave even without Saturn in Sagittarius. People get cut off, treated as worse than dead, and hounded back into the cancer. Families are busted up, and many even lose employment and/or housing. And Saturn in Sagittarius is prime for making of and enforcing laws--including those involving contracts. (Note that the last smoking bans started last time Saturn was in Sagittarius.) I think there is an excellent chance that at least some will be dragged back into the jokehovians through the court system, on the pretext that they signed a legally binding contract to serve that thing by getting baptized. Let that happen, and it could literally become impossible for some of us (not just costly) to ever get out of the cancer and stay out.

  • bobert

    I say the JWs themselves are dangerous to other people, but definitly the religion is. A lot of young children end up dying on the surgery table before they can really decide for themselves what they believe in. Also the doctrine I find instills an overly narcissistic view on life and the world, which I guess is "unhealthy"

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The WT Organization is like a madhouse that is full of mental and physical abuse of its inmates. The danger is to those held captive, not so much those not associated with it. Dangerous cult? To those held in its tentacles yes. Run away!

  • kaik

    Yes, the WT and its members are dangerous. While others mentioned transfussions and other medical procedures, do not forget hundreds or thousands of JW who died by stupidity of the religion. When there was a war in Yugoslavia, JW still attended KH meeting even when it was clear that large gathering of people will attract and turn them into military target. Around 1994 in Sarajevo a shrapnel landed in entrace of JW meeting and killed entire family. They were targetted because the military saw bunch of people gather at one location. Or look into Armero tragedy in 1985 when JW were killed by melted snow from volcanic erruption and instead of evacuation they flocked into KH that was in the direct path of the river. When there is a disaster, you should obey evacuation orders and have some life preservation instinct. How many others died in the field service as a direct result of epidemic, natural disaster, and war action?

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Let us not forget the young children who go to school already paranoid about how evil everyone is. Then all alone have to stand up in front of everyone and defend Wt. teachings. Which makes them targets of other children and teachers. Often times to the point they are in danger of their own physical and emotional health which will last a life time. Yes they are dangerous. Still Totally ADD

  • LongHairGal


    OntheWayOut's comments describe just how damaging the religion really is.

    I honestly would have to say "yes" they are dangerous in spite of their "wholesome" facade that they present to the public. You have to be "in" it to know the real story and to see behind this cultivated facade.

    As for anybody who says they are morally better than the rest of the population, there are people in other christian religions who also hold to high moral standards but who are otherwise not as damaging as the JW religion.

    Thankfully, I wasn't born-in and I am about 14 years into my "fade" and at least have memories from before the religion. It took guts but I have tried to correct the mistake I made when I walked into that place!

  • suavojr

    So can you explain why the Christians from the 1st century were getting killed for what they believed in?

    I know that persecution in itself does not mean God's blessing, but the Christians from that time would be considered dangerous and a sect.

    Am I wrong?

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    going back to your OP question - my sister-in-law would still be alive today if she had not grown up and been baptized into this cult - after she ran away from her JW husband the elders guilted her into feeling she had no choice but to return to an unhappy marriage and living arrangement and rather than do this she took her own life...

  • suavojr

    frazzled UBM

    It breaks my heart to hear this

    This cult is dangerous and I have no more doubts.

  • Finkelstein

    I think this religious cult/institution was always dangerous because the concocted doctrines which were really

    devised to grab the public's attention were very much socially and mentally damaging, in spite of being

    commercially advantageous in the proliferation of its own published literature.


    Even to the obvious awareness toward what the WTS has been doing all these years, they still place a thick wall around their cultivated

    members, even to distance them from their own personal family members if need be.

    The power and control is still there and there is no evidence of them willing to let it all go.


    Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely .

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