30th Anniversary of THAT classic 1914 WT front cover

by wizzstick 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Oubliette

    Designer Stubble, thanks for posting an annotated pic of the cover.

    That particular WT and its implicit message was influential in my decision to become a JW. The actual experience of being a JW in the decades since was the determining factor in my decision to leave the religion.

    It's been 12 years since the last person on that cover died.

    Clearly a major: FAIL!

  • jgnat

    I remember the great collaborative work that went on here at JWN to track down that generation, who they were and how long they lived. I think Leolaia helped quite a bit.

  • Oubliette

    Here's a bit larger image:

    WT 5/15, 1984

  • baldeagle

    Great reminder thanks.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    I have a friend. She is nearly 100 years old. She was a missionary to Cuba. She is very nice and very intelligent. Way smarter than I ever was.

    She has 2 children around my age. Those smart kids woke up and left WT decades ago. I called her less than 7 years ago and asked her how her children were and if they have come back to meetings. She said No. I, at that time still a drone, could not imagine why my old friends would leave the Israelite God of War, YHWH. She just said, they don't love Jehovah anymore and there is nothing I can do about it. I said, maybe they need therapy or maybe they were brainwashed with apostate literature or something. She said, "I don't know" and then offered for me to come and go in service with her or come over later in the afternoon, when she would be home and have a rootbeer float with her. I loved her and her whole family dearly. I've known them forever. I have looked her 2 children up on FaceBook , left a hello message, they have not replied back to me. They both have married, had children, good educations and jobs. Maybe I represent the past which they would rather forget.


  • A.proclaimer

    R.I.P. Generation that saw 1914

  • Finkelstein

    Watchtower Corporation bullshitting and lying towards the public for over 100 years, but still god's chosen organization

    to dispel bible truths for all mankind.

    The lies and bullshit continue to this day ......... thank you God.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Jgnat: I remember the great collaborative work that went on here at JWN to track down that generation, who they were and how long they lived. I think Leolaia helped quite a bit.

    That was some three years ago and it was quite an experience asking for help on names and dates. As I remember it began with this thread. Aussie Oz made a great contribution.

    It continued with this thread.

    A year or so later, this thread was added.

    Len Miller

  • NewYork44M

    But with the overlapping generations they are still alive becaused they touched someone who is alive today. It makes perfect sense. And wney these people die, they touched someone who touched someone.

    So sad, what a waste of life.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    That sad part is the next date they will float around is 2034. 1914+120 years or 2033 Hosea 6:2 as 33 CE +2000 years

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