Hello- new here

by Kikura 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kikura

    Again- thank you. I look forward to contributing.

    Have some people really made 20,000 + posts? wow- thats some healing!

    Much love


  • jgnat

    Yup, really! Am I going on twelve years now? I think so. That's how long I've been married to my crazy JW husband. See, some of us continue to be involved whether we want to be or not!

  • DesirousOfChange

    but have to say am a bit turned off with the 'rabid apostate' ones!

    There are some here who have been hurt and even harmed A LOT by the Organization.

    Be thankful you escaped without being broken &/or bruised.


    Thanks for joining and posting you story for everyone to share.

  • Kikura

    Not sure yet how I cut n paste from previous replies- but DOC-who says I have not been hurt or feel harmed?- really? how do youknow I haven't- admittedly its only my 3rd post.

    Jgnat- tell me bout your husband- to post 20000+ posts it must be quite a story. and I guess I need to use the search button!

    Thanks all for your replies-

    Much Love


  • ctrwtf

    The fact that it's been so long since you've been active added to the fact that you still feel a need to attend even if only for the memorial is a testimony to the hold that this religion has on peoples freedom of thought. Any organization that is as manipulative and controlling is evil to the core.

    Welcome..........................and may you find healing.

  • jgnat

    Kikura, I got what I needed my first three months here. I spend most of my time these days helping out. I get a thrill watching couples exit together. If I can help that happen, then great.


  • SAHS

    To “Kikura”: Welcome to the Board! I can identify with your situation having close family ties in the JWs and having different kinds of struggles regarding the religion (‘still holding to the teachings you were raised in’) and with your own personal identity. We are somewhat similar in age (I’m 47 years old). With me, I would love to be able to do a proper fade but I’m still physically stuck living under my folks’ roof right now. But non-physically I have left it in my heart about 15 years ago, as I have been discovering many eye-opening things about the organization that I never knew before beginning my online investigation.

    It’s good that you were able to step out of the JW grind for a good while, and it’s a good, healthy sign that you are on a Web site such as this.

    My advice to you would be to continue an open an honest investigation into the WT organization, including its doctrinal history and policy record. Check out different Web sites and gather information. In addition to getting the technical facts, also get a cross-section of personal perspectives of those whose lives have been affected by the WT’s teachings and policies. You will find that there are certainly many stories from many people in various levels of attachment to, and various stages of fading from, the JW religion, and that there is much understandable justification in the various ways in which profound anger, disgust, and a sense of betrayal is expressed on this site.

    Be prepared to come across strong venting of emotions that have been building up inside people, some for quite a number of years, as they discover what we call “the truth about the truth,” or “TTATT.” You will find that this site is quite informative and is an excellent open forum for mutual support. Our fast-growing community of people seeking factual clarification, insight, and sometimes just a sense of closure benefits from the support and enlightenment which can only be found among those who truly and intimately know our unique common experience.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome! ... from all us rabbit apostates!

  • Kikura

    lol Billy!!!

    SAHs- of course in my 20 odd years out I have examined and looked. I understand why some are angry, and I also get why some are hurt, my heart goes out to them. I do get that it might have have been easier for me. I guess I was lucky in my life to be able to just slip away- much like I can slip back in for the Memorial. It's good to be there, as it is to live my life as I do.

    It's not healthy I suppose you'd say, to live like this, but I can't just cut off something I still hold close. I am happy, and of course I haven't experienced the trauma that some have here in losing family and friends. I do feel hurt for that.


  • DesirousOfChange

    Welcome! ... from all us rabbit apostates!

    Billy, LMAO.


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