Sister kills a boy in an accident! A sad, sad story in more ways than one.

by DATA-DOG 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • rebel8

    Wow, it's become a jw urban myth already. Takes a whole lotta sick to do that.

  • sparrowdown

    It's nice to know that where most normal people would see a tragedy, witnesses see "an opportunity to witness."

    And why not, it is all about them, after all.

    Besides, skateboards are a tool of the devil, they have been warning us for years.

  • Magnum

    First thing that came to my mind was like what OnTheWayOut & Pistoff mentioned. So Jehovah can miraculously interfere in this matter by making sure two elders were in the area and one cop was a mag call, but he can't/won't prevent the accident in the first place? He cares more about comforting a distressed woman than saving a child's life??? If he had prevented the accident, he would saved the woman from needing to be comforted in the first place AND spared the child from death.

    I thought JWs said Jah doesn't perform miracles today. If he interfered with the natural goings-on, the natural series of events, he performed a miracle. If he cause those two elders to be in the area and a mag call cop to show up, he performed a miracle.

    Think about something else. How did the process work? If Jah caused the elders to already be in the area, then HE KNEW BEFOREHAND the accident was going to occur. HE KNEW and didn't stop it. I just can't wrap my head around the process. As mentioned, Jah had to have known the child was going to be killed if he caused two elders to already be in the area. So how did his thoughts go? "Well, let's see. Tomorrow, a child is going to be traumatically killed by a JW female. Let me cause two elders to be in the area so they can arrive before the cops and comfort her. And also, I know Officer Jones takes the mags (even though he doesn't read them), so let me maneuver events so he and his partner can be the first cops on the scene." It just doesn't make sense. Why would Jah be concerned about comforting one woman when there is so much horrific suffering that he allows to go on all over earth 24 hrs a day - suffering in the both the human and animal worlds? So he will comfort the sister, but let the poor monkey in the lab continue to suffer horribly every day... or the poor Romanian orphan live a bleak institutional life with zero love, affection, mental stimulation, etc? What about the poor boy they call "Fish" [look him up]? He lives a dreadful life as an orphan with a mental disabiltiy. He has horribly cracked, scaling skin, and the institution is in a hot, humid area with no air conditioning, making his skin condition all the more miserable. Why won't Jah help him? What about the British baby who was burned in a house fire - burned so horrifically that a hole was literally burned through her skull. I think virtually her whole body was charred. Her dad said he will never forget the smell he encountered when he went to the room she was in in the hospital emergency dept - the smell of charred flesh. Jah will comfort a distressed sister by making sure two elders are in the area to pray with her, but he will let an infant be charred beyond description in an inferno??? It just doesn't add up.

    Also, which would have been easier - to prevent the accident or cause a mag call cop to show up and two elders to be in the area? All he had to do prevent the accident was cause the child to arrive at the site of the accident a second or two later or earlier, or cause the child to fall on his skateboard, or something simple. But think of all the logistical maneuvering it took to cause two elders to be in the area and a mag call cop to show up. Would have been far simpler to just prevent the accident in the first place - and better.

  • stuckinarut2

    So true magnum!

    the very reasoning they use is just sick!

  • ctrwtf

    Did they give her a drug test?

  • KateWild

    This example is even being used in talks around the town!- DD

    If this is true it's completely unacceptable. As a JW I always believed that Jehovah doesn't perform miracles today. The fact it is an example of how Jehovah protects his people is a disgrace. Why did she even call the elders? If I was in that situation the elders would not have dropped their lunch engagement and come running to my resucue. This is not indicative of how a loving God would work.

    I read the article and thankfully they don't mention JWs or their elders wounderful action to give spiritual help at the scene of an accident. That would have been really distasteful if they had done that.

    Kate xx



    I thought the same thing! Can you imagine what a witness it would have been if an angel [ maybe one the guys from "Angels in the Outfield"] would have swooped down and saved the children?!?! WOW!! What a "witness!!!" [tm] Then Sister X could have said, " See parents, this is what happens when you are a "true" Christian associated with the WTBTS of Pennsylvania INC.!!!" Those parents would have converted on the spot!!

    Instead, Jeehoober must have known that the accident would occur, otherwise, how would the Eldedubs have been placed strategically?? It's like allowing the MS from the WT study to be appointed while being a secret willy-wanker. That must have been orchestrated so that his example could appear in the WT around the Earth!!!


    Don't be shocked if it ends up being mentioned at a Convention.


  • average joe
    average joe

    People encourage others to come here for honesty and to get the truth about jw's but the majority of posts are like this one . Speculative, slanderous, just random hate filled accusations ... without need for proof. Facts seem to be unimportant in peoples posts and everyone has the power to read minds and hearts apparently. I love all the he said she said garbage.

    Was the original poster even there at the accident? What if anything at all was the original posters involvement in the crash?

    Your friend told you right? We all know how that goes one person says one thing then its morphs into a new story completely different.

    I wish people would just tell the truth and let it stand on its own merit without adding a bunch of accusations of which people have no proof. Innocent until proven guilty right?

    Who here wouldnt lose sleep and be a total wreck after killing someones child ???? I bet thats exactly her situation right now.. I bet shes heart broken. I bet shes like every other normal person in this world.

  • prologos

    These are tragedies. a sister [ but it could have been anynone] in another jurisdiction had 7 children in her van, a daycare affair, the vehicle rolled and many died, without proper restraint.

    how does that proove or embellish God's sovreingty? anyone?


    My friend was there, and at the KH when the Eldub who was at the scene used the accident as an example in a talk. BTW, I don't post false stories, and no one is making light of the situation. The tragedy is the Jws virtually ignoring the family who lost their child. The point is that Jeehoober did jack sh**!! That's NOT speculation. Thanks for basically calling me a liar, BTW.


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