"we must be ready to obey, even if it doesnt sound reasonable from a human standpoint"

by stuckinarut2 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    It would sadly seem son, Stuckinarut. I know some pretty intelligent JWs who fail to see through this ruse. Or if they do, they're in denial. Unfortunately, I find it hard to look the other way and my connections with the ones that are still in are somewhat strained. I find it very hard to hold in my frustration!

  • OneEyedJoe

    In a recent circuit overseer talk this "Crazy but obey clause" fulfillment was said to be coming in the FUTURE, soon.

    in other words: " you have seen nutting yet "

    Our CO presented a hypothetical situation in which we were told to go to the KH, and then told that we couldn't leave (possibly for days/weeks) and asked if we'd have enough faith to do so, not worrying about our material posessions and even our pets. He essentially said that god would take care of our pets for us. This was among the many small pushes that got me to realize TTATT. Even my wife afterwards said "I don't know if I could leave the dog at home alone" and she's not even particularly fond of the dog.


    I don't know what is going on anymore. They read some damn letter about the RC comming up and called it " momentous and history making." Errr.... So they are either planning on rolling out more new light and " non-strategic un-human instructions ", or it's just the SOS as usual.

    I am pretty sure that the WTBTS lawyers figured out that they were going to lose the Conti case. Now THAT was history making! LOL!!! So all these contingency plans are a reaction to that development. If they fear getting hammered with lawsuits then re-shuffling assets is a good business move. If they believe that good-hearted but not-too-bright Elders will start rebelling, what better way to handle it than to give the C.O the power to REMOVE whomever he wants?

    Just think of the impact this would have! Imagine a long time faithful Eldub gone, next week. Who knows why?? It's kept secret. Rumors will fly. Brother faithful spoke out against the "SLAVE"!! In reality, he spoke out against the pedophile issues or something similar. Now imagine that happening in MULTIPLE CONGREGATIONS as examples are made of Elders who "rebel" against the loving and discreet FDS/mouthpiece of GOD!!



  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "god would take care of our pets for us"


    Really??!! And what scripture was read to support that preposterous claim??

    If Jehovah™ doesn't protect JWs (humans) who go to the Kingdom Hall at the order of the GB, and they die at the KH when it's destroyed by a typhoon, why in the hell would he take care of Fluffy or Fido?


    "As of November 13, 2013, the Philippines branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Manila reported that 27 Witnesses have been confirmed dead. Well over 100 homes of the Witnesses and five places of worship were destroyed....

    The region has had little time to recover from the magnitude-7.2 earthquake that shook the Philippines on October 15, 2013, killing 218 people. Reports indicate that the massive quake claimed the lives of three of Jehovah’s Witnesses..."


  • Magnum

    stickinarut2: Sometimes I just want to stand up and scream in the hall "AM I THE ONLY ONE HERE THAT SEES THE %^&*# OF THIS"????????????

    I feel the same way. I look around at all the bobbing heads and wonder why they can't at least smell a little bit of the bad odor. However, at least my wife smells it, so I'm not alone.

    stuckinarut2: Are we the only ones that can see this all so clearly??

    Surely the average witnessis not that stupid?

    I've wondered the same thing, but right now I think we are the only ones. Not with just this issue, but with all the other stuff - all the other changes, the general dumbing down, the different "feel" of the org now, the fact that the end is way overdue, etc. I would love to know for sure, though. I know four or five intelligent sisters in my hometown that I would love to talk with. I think they have the capacity to recognize that something's wrong. However, in the area I live in now, the average Witness is that stupid. They are clueless, lacking in intellgence, ignorant, brain-dead, naive, self-righteous, gullible, etc.

    In a nearby city there is a very intelligent, humble, seemingly righteous former elder. He left a very good, exciting job to become a JW. He does very deep Bible research analyzing in original Bible languages, etc. He showed me several years ago (while still an elder) how to get older copies of Watchtower and Awake mags off internet archives and he told me not to tell anybody because somebody counseled him about it. He said "but it's our history!" I don't know how he feels about this new donation arrangement, but I know how he felt about the GB=FDS change. I think he's waking up, if not already awake. I hope to talk with him soon.

    P.S. I would love to secretly poll all the higher-ups in the org and see how they feel about not only the new donation arrangement but the general direction the org has taken lately. I wonder if any of them have feelings like we do.

  • gingerbread

    After re-reading that article, I think that statement was made directly to the elders.

    1) You no longer control who is an elder or ministerial servant in your congregation.

    2) You no longer control the congregation bank account.

    I do fear that the next step will directly affect the publishers - as some of you suggest - i.e.tests of loyalty by stirring up 'persecution'.


  • Magnum

    not worrying about our material posessions and even our pets. He essentially said that god would take care of our pets for us. This was among the many small pushes that got me to realize TTATT. Even my wife afterwards said "I don't know if I could leave the dog at home alone" and she's not even particularly fond of the dog.

    So he will take care of our pets??? Why the hell didn't he take care of all the ones that I"ve had that died? I am an animal lover. I can't stand to see a suffering animal. I have had animals that I loved more than some people love their own family members. There were times when I literally begged Jah to heal an animal of mine, only to have that animal die a slow death in my arms, or go into seizures and die, or drown in it's own lung fluids, etc.

    Just a few days ago, one or our cats died. She was one of the most precious creatures I've ever known. When I would come home from work, she would sit and look me in the face as if she were just studying my face. If I picked her up, she immediatedly started purring. She was so sweet, gentle, affectionate. She got sick. Was on two different antibiotics. I had to force-feed her. She finally died. Took her a week to die. Broke my heart. I begged Jah to help. No help came.

    Why doesn't he take care of the animals in the wild who live 24hrs a day in fear looking over their shoulders watching for predators. Think about the horror that goes on on the plains of Africa in one single night - the sheer brutal, savage horror. Nature is cruel. And Jah's going to take care of Fluffy? He didn't even take care of my grandfather who so desperately wanted to see the end and lived many decades as a very devoted, sacrificing JW.


    Sorry Magnum! I have lost many faithful pets and it does hurt. They just love us for who we are with all their little hearts! Sometimes that is what we need the most! We care more about animals than the mythical JEEHOOBER...


  • Magnum

    Thanks, DD.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Magnum, i can totally understand about the pain of losing your kitty friend, i'm so sorry for your loss. I love people who appreciate their animal friends like you. We have a wonderful cat here, since she was 6 months old and now 5 years later she has become a regular member of our family. When people come in she runs to greet them and they have to say hi to her just like a person. She knows what's going on all the time.

    One time my husband went in where she was sleeping, to play drums. She ran into my office and began meowing at me, very loud. All of a sudden i realized she was mad at him for the noise and wanted me to go in there and tell him to stop. I went to see him and we were talking about her. I looked down the hallway and she was sitting very haughtily, watching us talk instead of coming on in there with us. She had gotten him in trouble! It is so fantastic to realize how this cat has trained us, lol!

    Love to you,


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