last big convention-last memorial buzz

by scotoma 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • A.proclaimer

    Same old tricks, it becomes meaningless after you've heard that phrase over 100 times, more than 1,000. Just a way to keep the average person on their toes and to look forward, no questions.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    Man I'd hear that all the time.

    "This convention really had some heavy information. Something big is going to happen soon."

  • LisaRose

    My mom once said to me, Brother pompous-ass says the end will be soon, and he must know, because he's an elder!

    At the time I was still in, but I had a hard time not laughing out loud. Really? You think they tell the elders date information they keep from the rest of us? It was sad, she was so desperate to believe.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    You are so right LisaRose in what you said. My father died 5 years ago this June, my mother is in a nursing home with her mind gone. Yet from the time they came in 1953 they was told they would never grow old and die. Their children would never go to school. This old system may be gone or surely over with in just a few years. Will here it is 2014 and life keeps going on. Their generation almost gone and their children generation getting pretty long in the tooth. This is the hold cults know how to use best. Still Totally ADD

  • eyeuse2badub

    OMG! This may be the last post on JWN!

    just saying!


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