Racist comment from Jehovah’s Witness!

by Seraphim23 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seraphim23

    I work as a concierge for a building in Central London. Recently we had a new window cleaner firm take over, as the old boy who had done the job for years, retired!

    I noticed that the new guy (with assistant) was a JW because I asked for his business card and noticed the blood card nestled tightly in the wallet card holder compartment, as he reached for a card. I told him my mother was a JW and he said we would have to talk more about it. I did not reveal that I was and still am a baptised JW and that I had faded and no longer believed in the creed because theocratic warfare strategy works both ways in my view.

    In the block of flats I run, there is a sizable Muslim community with many traditional Muslim garbs worn also. Since my own spirituality and interest in science has taught me that skin colour means nothing, I concentrate on the character of a person’s heart, as though trying to peer through the interference of cultural differences to that end as much as possible. This means trying to get to know people! Since leaving the JWs faith many moons ago now, I think I have come way further that I ever did as a JW in seeing the spirit within, as opposed to the outside of a person. The bad side of this, is that I am very much more sensitive to all the forms of racism that come into view and there are many of them.

    With this as the background this is what occurred! The guy turned up to do the buildings windows as I said, and after our small conversation I left him to get on with the work. A few hours went by and he had more or less finished and so I met them in the main lobby of the building. They were coming and going to their vehicle in the car park as this is next to the main lobby. Now as I was standing next to the main entrance a Muslim lady in her traditional dress came down in the lift with her 3 years old child in a push chair. I opened the door for her to exit into the car part. I noticed however that her little child had on a pair of exceptionally thick lensed glasses. After they left I made comment to the JW window cleaner that the kid had very thick glasses on. He acknowledged my comment and took me to one side in the main lobby and quietly said to me the following:

    “The reason for this is because Muslims sleep with their cousins”.

    Now where do I start in commenting on such a generalisation! Speaking personally I would never take an individual and assume anything either medically, or in terms of marriage practices without knowing the individual in question. Also in the UK it is legal to marry even first cousins, not that I would personally want to do so because of my own yuck factor. However I don’t have any issue with others doing so because the risk to any offspring is very small, hence its legality. Thus I concluded that this was in fact a racist comment by a JW. Interestingly this JW window cleaner is Portuguese in origin.


  • Oubliette

    There are ignorant yahoos everywhere. Naturally there would be a higher percentage in any group the shuns--among other things--higher education.

  • Seraphim23

    Good points Oubliette. It’s the whole them and us mentality, which in some ways is probably at the heart of most racist impulses. Together with the whole judge and mental attitude, I mean judgemental attitude, it is a wonder to behold the corruption of true spiritual values by what religion all to often does best, divide!

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Actually Oubliette i have found that often those from private and public schools consider themselfs better than those less well educated.

    Anyway, as a witness to my SHAME i made negative comments on guy people...now i try to see all people as equal,understanding why people make predudice remarks.

  • punkofnice

    We all have our prejudices and narrow viewpoints. JW's are no better than anyone else on that score. Sadly the WBT$ makes the JWs very insular and passive aggressive and patronising in their superior, holier than thou attitude.

    Whether the comment was meant in an overtly racist way or was just ironic I don't know. It's the kind of comment best kept to oneself though in any event. The muslim community has had bad press. I personally know many Muslims here in the UK and they are the usual mix of good and bad folk. There are many similarities in the fundamental stance they have between JWs and Muslims.

    On a side note.........Political correctness has become a 2 edged sword.

    Rich liberals telling us what we're allowed to be offended by or not.

    I loathe authority which includes the police.

    On the other hand we shouldn't need to be told what is and isn't offensive...............it should be obvious in many cases.

  • Seraphim23

    Well Punkofnice one of the builders I had to my building a few months ago showed me two tattoos he had on his back. On one shoulder was a picture of Enoch Powell, and the other was of Alf Garnett of all people (made up fictional racist character on the TV in the 1980s). He didn’t like political correctness either, and lamented the fact that one of his brothers he didn’t have much to do with anymore moved to another country and married a black lady, making this guy a relative of a mixed race person due to a lovely child they had together. The things people worry about!

  • punkofnice

    I have 3 mixed race children so no time for bigots. I think bigots are a fading breed though.

    I have a grand daughter that is quarter Jamaican(my ex wife's side), quarter Brit(My bit) and half Polish(My son's GF is Polish).

    Although I have no time for bigots, to me political correctness is bigotry in reverse and just as destructive.

  • Seraphim23

    It seems to me that the racists and homophobes are the ones that think political correctness is an issue most of the time. People that are not in my experience don’t have an issue with political correctness as it doesn’t affect them. I guess you’re an exception that proves the rule.

  • punkofnice

    I guess you’re an exception that proves the rule.

    I am after all a Punk. I have many gay friends.............I am an anarchist in many ways. I hate rules.

    I wonder if it's my JW upbringing that made me this way?

  • Seraphim23

    You mean like action and reaction?

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