"Only if you get a court order." wink, wink

by rebel8 43 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • rebel8

    Recently had a discussion with a surgeon who said jw parents "usually" (her word, not mine) privately say they will take blood if the provider gets a court order.

    Yet another person, with no connection to dubs and no motive to make this up, saying this same thing. Interesting.

    I'm surprised the Thought Police have not come out with an article saying jehoopla reads the hearts and judges as bloodguilty those who are relieved when forced to take blood.

  • Laika

    That is interesting... I don't think I've ever met a Witness who thinks that getting a blood transfusion is actually helpful, most are convinced that blood transfusions are not just immoral, but also a poor medical choice.

  • cofty

    In the UK doctors get court orders with no problem if children are involved.

    I am certain that JW parents are always secretly relieved.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Laika - I never thought of it that way. I'm a nurse and way EX-jw but it took me years to get over that fear of blood transfusions. I have seen it save many lives so have no problem now but it took me a while.

    Oh I hate brain washing


  • Phizzy

    I don't think we shall see an article like you describe Rebel 8, at least I fervently hope not. The WT has been trying to reverse out of its murderous and scripturally indefensible blood policy/doctrine for years.

    I think the WT too are pleased when yet another bit of bad publicity is avoided.

    The problem still remains that many adult JW's will refuse blood,and die. Many JW parents risk their childen's lives by making a fuss and causing delay, which can be fatal.

    The WT, simply looking after its $$$, will not do the obvious thing and make it a conscience matter officially, they are afraid they will be sued even then.

    Money grubbing, cold hearted bastards.

  • Splash

    I'm pretty sure the WT covered this in an article a few years ago.

    Now I've got to do some research!!!!


  • Poztate

    Rebel 8... I am not sure but think there was a time when parents were "encouraged" to kidnap their children out of the hospital if there was a "danger" that a blood transfusion would be given. The thought was if you didn't at least try to do this you were blood guilty.

    Was that in writing or just a local situation ... Maybe in the old publication "Blood Medicine and the law of God" (right title ?)

  • AudeSapere

    @Postate - I that encouragement was under the same governing regime that existed *before* the more progressive one that allowed for fractions.

    I could be wrong, but the timing feels somewhat right... (?)


  • Hortensia

    Many years ago my sister kidnapped her baby and went into hiding -- big big foofarah

    Now my sister and her entire family are out of the org. What a risk she took back then, although it worked out well, I wonder what she was really thinking

  • rebel8

    there was a time when parents were "encouraged" to kidnap their children out of the hospital if there was a "danger" that a blood transfusion would be given. The thought was if you didn't at least try to do this you were blood guilty.

    Was that in writing or just a local situation ... Maybe in the old publication "Blood Medicine and the law of God" (right title ?)

    I don't remember the kidnapping per se, but I know I was subject to practice drills on tricking healthcare providers. These practice drills were done regularly by the elders and my jw parent. Lie to the school nurse about how much blood you've lost. Go to different ERs each time. Lie to the hospital about how much blood you've lost. Pretend you're not ready to faint. Pinch your cheeks and wear opaque nail polish to make anemia less apparent. If forced to have a transfusion, distract the staff and pull it out once they leave the room. Sneak out of the hospital and find a payphone; call home or elders (phone #s memorized as part of drill).

    Not doing these things was likened to consent, the same as if a rape victim did not say no.

    I definitely was not lucky enough to have a wink, wink parent.

    The doctor I mentioned earlier said the HLC would come and speak to them regularly, reviewing what procedures and products are ok for the dubs to take, including not interrupting the blood flow if outside the body, "and we'd just roll our eyes".

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