China To Be Number 1 This Year ! OMG!

by metatron 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    I nearly dropped my coffee on the floor! This ain't some goofy conspiracy site.

    Let the Scots vote themselves independence and finish off "Anglo-America".

    Can it be? Yet Another Watchtower Prophecy Has Failed?


  • fakefading

    I have to register to access this site...

  • metatron

    It's a headline on Drudge this morning. You can also read about it on Zerohedge which has quotes.


  • Ultimate Axiom
    Ultimate Axiom

    I'm surprised you're surprised - this has been on the cards for the past decade, it's just a matter of time. And I'm sure those geniuses in Brooklyn will come up with some new light to explain it – perhaps China is the 8th World Power that will destroy Babylon the Great, then the Watchtower could go back and join the UN.

  • insearchoftruth

    King of the far east????

  • metatron

    I'm not surprised by China's rise. I'm shocked by the speed and suddenness of this emergence.

    I expected that the "Eastern Alliance" would dethrone the US for some time now.


  • jgnat
  • tootired2care

    Yep, 1.1 billion vs. 350 million people, the only thing that is surprising here is that this didn't already happen much sooner.

  • jgnat

    • The six largest middle income economies – China, India, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia and Mexico – account for 32.3 percent of world GDP, whereas the 6 largest high income economies – United States, Japan, Germany, France, United Kingdom, and Italy – account for 32.9 percent.
  • metatron

    The BRICS Alliance is nearly equal to the US by older conservative measures. Throw in Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Equador, Cuba and Bolivia and US hegemony is in sunset mode.

    China's military spending is undercounted by a huge amount - and their military advances are alarming the Pentagon. They came up with the DF-21 carrier killer missile and a new hypersonic weapon that the US hasn't developed yet.

    China is spending billions across the 'Stan countries ( where 40% of the world's population is) to build a new Silk Road for massive trade movement. They already passed the US this past year in worldwide trade.

    China holds 1.3 trillion dollars in reserves. While foolish liberal bloggers worry about the Koch brothers (billionaires) they apparently ignore the fact that China can easily buy all the US politicians they want ( like Senator Harry Reid?).

    Today, it was announced that US growth has hit 0.1%. Basically stalled. The BRICs Alliance may have a near monopoly on growth internationally.

    China builds and grows while the US tries to start wars - that even Europe doesn't really care about.

    Get ready for inflation in commodities (oil, food, etc.) as the US loses currency reserve status and can't flood the world with green paper IOU's anymore. OTOH, the Chinese will probably support higher farmland prices here as the dollars come back.


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