China To Be Number 1 This Year ! OMG!

by metatron 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • fulltimestudent


    This will be no problem for wt writers. In their book(s) how did the Anglo-American World power become the 7th.8th? because the Romans were in England, passed on the power-baton so to speak. So was it not the same? England dominating in Hong-Kong, Shang Hai, English commerce, the oOpium trade, the boxer war right into China, China allied with the US (like in American) in WW2.

    Looking at it the past WT WAY, China is merely an extension of the Anglo Amercan, as Britain was of the Roman.

    They are overlapping empires, now in the overlapping generation.

    haha! prologos. The mantle of Freddy F has surely fallen on you, just as the mantle of Elijah fell on Elisha.

    But may I adjust your light?

    China was only semi-colonised by the Brits. The ruling dynasty, the Manchu's (- then a foreign power, now absorbed into China) gave up little bits of territory that had been added later than other bits, and had not yet been absorbed into Chinese civilisation, in the hope that a stronger Emperor would arrive on the scene and win it all back.

    And, so he did !!!

  • prologos

    FTS. of course I was just getting ahead of the FADS in jest.

    Then again England-like in Anglo, -Britain was only partially occupied by the Romans too- Hadrian's wall pales in comparison with the masterpiece in the central kingdom,

    BSW part of my family is firmly rooted there.

    What is an occupation difference in order of magnitude between friends?

  • fulltimestudent

    On the overall theme, may I add that the Chinese government does NOT think they are No1 in the world. The Chinese government is pragmatic and knows that there is a long way to go to make all Chinese as well-off as the theoretical average American (even, though the well-offness of the average American has not increased since about 1979, an interesting date to chuck into the thought-pot).

    They also appreciate that the military power (the ability to kill and to keep on killing*) of the USA has not been surpassed. But they see that military power as coming at a huge cost,** and seem to be content to just sit there and wait until the life-blood (wealth) of the USA drains away from the huge cost of maintaining their war machine across the world.

    To have the largest economy in the world is a meaningless statistic, in the minds of the Chinese leadership.


    * Unexploded American ordnance keeps on killing and maiming kids in many countries.

    ** Do ordinary Americans understand the cost of maintaining 900 military bases across the world

  • fulltimestudent


    FTS. of course I was just getting ahead of the FADS in jest.

    Then again England-like in Anglo, -Britain was only partially occupied by the Romans too- Hadrian's wall pales in comparison with the masterpiece in the central kingdom,

    Cool, brother.

    On the subject of 'walls.' Relatively unknown, but amazing in detail is the 'red snake' of Iran. It is perhaps the best surviving example of a barrier type defense system with indications of an extensive skilled engineering corp in charge.

    In detail, it likely exceeds the Chinese walls in some ways.

    Excavations In Iran Unravel Mystery Of 'Red Snake'

    Date: February 26, 2008 Source: University of Edinburgh Summary: New discoveries unearthed at an ancient frontier wall in Iran provide compelling evidence that the Persians matched the Romans for military might and engineering prowess. The 'Great Wall of Gorgan'in north-eastern Iran, a barrier of awesome scale and sophistication, including over 30 military forts, an aqueduct, and water channels along its route, is being explored by an international team of archaeologists. This vast Wall-also known as the 'Red Snake'-is more than 1000 years older than the Great Wall of China**, and longer than Hadrian's Wall and the Antonine Wall put together. Eberhard Sauer, of the University of Edinburgh's School of History, Classics and Archaeology, said: “Our project challenges the traditional Euro-centric world view. At the time, when the Western Roman Empire was collapsing and even the Eastern Roman Empire was under great external pressure, the Sasanian Persian Empire mustered the manpower to build and garrison a monument of greater scale than anything comparable in the west. The Persians seem to match, or more than match, their late Roman rivals in army strength, organisational skills, engineering and water management.”

    Eberhard Sauer, of the University of Edinburgh's School of History, Classics and Archaeology, said: “Our project challenges the traditional Euro-centric world view. At the time, when the Western Roman Empire was collapsing and even the Eastern Roman Empire was under great external pressure, the Sasanian Persian Empire mustered the manpower to build and garrison a monument of greater scale than anything comparable in the west. The Persians seem to match, or more than match, their late Roman rivals in army strength, organisational skills, engineering and water management.”


  • wallsofjericho

    very insightful documentary about miserable state of the US economy

  • fulltimestudent

    Thnx, wallsofJericho, for posting the link.

    Scanning through the argued six points of that article, I suddenly realised that nearly all of them are also discussed in Chinese newspapers.

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