Upcoming Regional Conventions - GB talks & GB Helper talks

by OwnAccord 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    How will this work in Australia? There are only two conventions this year because one is international, and they're in December, way after these guys give the talks. Will the Australian jws simply see recordings of these talks? Lol to them because I, the "apostate", will know about the talks before the Australian jws will.

  • Listener

    When they first introduced these Governing Body Helpers in 1992 they stated this

    Their being assigned to work with a committee does not give them a special status. As Jesus said concerning his disciples, “all you are brothers.” (Matthew 23:8) However, much will be entrusted to these men, and consequently “much will be demanded” of them.—Luke 12:48. (W 92 4/15 pg 31)

    Apparently they have no special status but that doesn't stop the GB acknowledging their position by calling them GB helpers, just like the GB identifies themselves as such. This is just another tier in their class system.

  • LostGeneration

    Wow, these guys are really starting to love the smell of their own asses.

    Getting real close to Golden Calf status.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Julia Orwell... Australia, you say, in December?

    The GB and their little Helpers (are they known as LHer's) I am sure will be more than happy to fly First Class to take in a convention during New York's winter season.

    They will no doubt have a full agenda already planned for stops in Hawaii, Tahit, Fuji, and New Zealand.


  • sir82

    Pre-recorded video drama....will there be a trailer on JW.org?

  • jonahstourguide

    @ Julia Orwell

    International in oz october 17 I hear that the Red Skelton lookalike

    Letts is flying in and the other places in oz will get the link for the rockstars


  • dozy

    The GB really seems to be more & more prominent now. Now that the old stagers like Jack Barr have died off ( some of whom had a modicum of humility ) the new bunch just want to promote themselves more and more. They are gradually morphing into the Pharisees.

    I hope the drama isn't going to be just a canned video presentation from now on. I used to love the guys in wacky costumes and fake beards , with exaggerated facial expressions , waving their hands around and dubbed into corny American accents. Still - I suppose they have Stephen Lett giving talks now so that kind of makes up for it.

  • notsurewheretogo

    Hahahahahahaha "Not One Word Has Failed"...oh my that is too funny...where is that WT that says a demon with tentacles attaches itself to the base of a spirit mediums spine and controls them as they practice their art...

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