People Think JW's are Bat-Shit Crazy

by AlphaMan 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AlphaMan

    Had an interesting discussion at work today. Sat down at a table with 4 of my younger workers. Somehow it came up that one's Mother was a Jehovah Witness, and one had dated a JW girl before. The way they discribed JW's was just a very interesting open expression that people think JW's are bat-shit crazy. I just sat there and listened. They had no idea in another life their Manager was a JW elder.

    I was actually embarrassed to have ever been apart of this bat-shit crazy cult.

  • sparrowdown

    And many Jws believe the world respects them for their high moral standards and prefer to hire them because of their strong work ethic.

    They think people can tell there is something different about them and admire it.

    HA! only until they get to know them and find out how screwy they really are.

    It is embarrassing to find out how many people were just too polite to tell us what they really thought.

  • Finkelstein

    Well what do you expect when they come knocking at people's doors claiming the world is going to

    come to an end soon .

    Thats pretty much enough for most people think your a little off.

  • Crazyguy

    I wonder how many people come to the memorial and then go away shaking their heads????

  • ABibleStudent

    When I first got to know a JW, I thought that the WTBTS was just a kooky religion. Most of my friends think that JWs are strange and harmless.

    Now, I have no doubts that the WTBTS is a dangerous cult that victimizes JWs with BITE control techniques. I'm also convinced that anyone can be unduly influenced by dangerous cults.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • sparrowdown

    Yes you are right Robert about people thinking they are strange but harmless. This therapist I was seeing for a while thought the same thing.I am sure she thought I was exaggerating my experiences. All she knew of witnesses was these lovely ladies that come to her door.

    When she got to know me however and started researching for herself she had to admit that things were far worse than she ever imagined them to be. She had had several JWs for clients over the years and it was always the same story. This broken shell of a person not knowing which way is up after being kicked to the curb by this "harmless religion."

    That is what makes them so dangerous people think they are benign.

  • talesin

    "strange and harmless" ...... that's almost exactly what my homecare worker first said when I told her my family was JW. Then, as the months went by, and I would drop bombs like "my family shuns me" and "have the JW kids on your street EVER been outside playing?", she gradually turned into a person who rolls her eyes and says something more like "bat-shit crazy" .......

    ahaha, it all depends on how well the unbeliever knows any JWs. If they just see them at work, or in the hood, it's one thing. But actual, real-life interactions, reveal the true nature of JWism .......... crazy cult!


  • cantleave

    Bat shit crazy with psychopathic tendancies.

  • Phizzy

    Mrs Phizzy had a similar expereince where she was working a few months back, a number of the girls within earshot were discussing JW's, and the consensus was that the JW's were weird and crazy, and one of the more senior members of staff actually said she thought they were dangerous.

    After 130 years of preaching and attempting to give a good impression to the Public "We must keep the Congregation clean" "No reproach must come on Jehovah's name" etc etc , it is evident that the WT has had an Epic Fail, you can fool some of the Public, some of the time ...........

  • Vidiot

    Alpha-Man - "The way they discribed JW's was just a very interesting open expression that people think JW's are bat-shit crazy."

    Well, considering the steady brain drain during the past 30-odd years, there's not a lot left in the way of solid, intelligent, emotionally stable rank-and-filers...

    Phizzy - "After 130 years of preaching and attempting to give a good impression to the Public 'We must keep the Congregation clean', 'No reproach must come on Jehovah's name' etc etc , it is evident that the WT has had an Epic Fail..."

    One of the better examples, as a matter of fact.

    Par for the course when you want your fringe religion to be both respectable and marginilized at the same time, I suppose...

    ...can't be done.

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