Just asked for a bible study on jw.org

by trujw 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LV101

    trujw - I admire your efforts and relate to your frustration of the cult but don't waste your precious time - just enjoy the gift of your daughter (husband/ significant other) and put all your attention and time in that direction for the best life.

    Someone posted great words of wisdom yesterday (always helps me to read something like this here) re/family members who are witnesses "let them be" - of course, as the poster indicated this is easier said than done. Maybe check out an x-jw group or a support group - you're in the right place here on this site to vent.

  • Enlightenment123

    Thank you, DarK SpilveR :)

  • RubaDub

    ... you're in the right place here on this site to vent.

    Yes, as LV101 said, you can vent here.

    In fact, post some pictures of your vent.

    Rub a Dub

  • LV101

    RaD - "pictures" - that's good! Might be a tad too graphic for some of us but as long as it's cathartic.

  • RubaDub

    Might be a tad too graphic for some of us but as long as it's cathartic.

    LV101 ..

    I just think we have to view the pictures in the context of a teachable moment.

    Rub a Dub

  • KateWild


    Sorry to hear you are feeling bitter, but thanks for your honesty. I think it's harder to move on for some than it is for others. I have found it a challenge to move on with my life. I find all the sucess stories upbuilding but sometimes feel somewhat left out. It's good to know that others understand how difficult it can be to move on.

    I hope you can help any JWs who come to the door to give you a bible study

    Kate xx

  • exwhyzee

    When they eventually come to your door they'll be greatly relieved that you're only an apostate and they won't actually have to study with someone. LOL !

  • Magnum

    Now it is there to turn to find out I will never forget and never forgive them. Am I bitter hell yes and feel there is nothing wrong with that.

    I understand 100%, agree 100%, and feel 100% the same way. That's why on the recent thread about forgiving, I stood my ground when some were saying we should forgive and/or forget.

    Was smart could of haved a scholorship etc. etc.

    Same with me. I gave up college. I gave up all kinds of jobs and career opportunities. I passed up some jobs just because they required work on weekends or meeting nights. I quit a job I had so I could start pioneering.

    always had question that supposedly people strong in the truth could not answer

    I did, too. I was told to just put them on the back burner and that I would get answers later. Well, over thirty years later... questions not answered. They've just grown in intensity and quantity. I asked them how it could have been the case that animals didn't kill each other before the sin in eden when there is so much evidence that they've been killing each other for millions of years. I said "we (JWs) say 'design requires a designer'; well, it seems that animals were designed to kill, then." Got an attempted answer, but it was lame. I asked all kinds of questions about the flood. Many other questions. Was told would get answers; I didn't.

  • rebel8

    Working through your anger is work you do yourself, on yourself.

    It's work you're doing to heal yourself. Trying to change other people's minds doesn't heal what's inside of you.

    It's not the personal fault of some random stranger responding to your email that you went through what you did. The individuals who are responsible, are the only ones responsible.

    I totally get the practical joke thing as being healing (see my previous posts on the subject). I don't get summoning unsuspecting strangers to your home...

    good luck

  • WTWizard

    Just keep asking for studies using bogus addresses. They will get deluged with many bad requests, and will have a miserable time trying to track them down. Each one will waste more time, so if someone really wants a study, their resources will be stretched too thinly. The more you can keep wasting their time, the better.

    It might not bring the whole cancer down, but it will at least prevent some of them from reaching members of the flock that are trying to fade.

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