Donation Changes-Elders Meeting

by XBEHERE 28 Replies latest jw friends


    So we had our elders meeting to discuss the 3/29 was was many of you expressed. Below are some of the quotes from the elders:

    "We just need to keep the focus on Jehovah's work, remind the friends of this"

    "What a nice change, now everyone will be able to afford a new KH or Ass Hall"

    "We can now offset our poorer brothers lack of funds in a more proper way"

    lol.. one thing is for sure among the diehard JW's GB=Jehovah

    No matter what they change it will always seem to be the correct thing to do.

  • KateWild

    They are either all deluded or know exactly what they should say and trust no one. I feel so frustrated that the GB have such a hold over people, this is truly a cult. This is a crying shame to see this, how are you coping being part of this body XBEHERE? It must be rough. Kate xx

  • pontoon

    When the BOE wants money (back) for some unexpected expense and the Society questions it, refuses, sends in a company man to check the validity of the request......whatever, you'll see the tone of the BOE meetings change.

  • KateWild

    you'll see the tone of the BOE meetings change.-pontoon

    I doubt it very much. XBEHERE's BOE sound very delluded or controlled. I can't see any of them piping up and saying what they really think. Neither can I see a delluded one think that anything the GB say is wrong. This body is exactly how the GB want them.

    XBHERE, you are alone in this. I feel for you.

    Kate xx

  • pontoon

    Might be right Kate, but whatever happens should be interesting. Different BOEs have different dynamics, personalities, alliances within the body....and I believe there will be a number of varied reactions to this new money grab. It's a game changer now, vote to give us all your money (after expenses) and that's it. It will come out in time that some congregations are building up and stashing secret funds because a strong personality on the BOE suggests doing that just in case the congregation needs money in a hurry to repair a name it. One body I served on of 9-14 men, about 7 of them were related, fathers, sons, son in law. Lots of times you knew the "family" had already decided which way a decision was going to go before the BOE meeting. Now in a case like that if the family leader is a DON'T **** WITH MY MONEY type of a guy eventually it will be reflected in the body. Should all be fun to watch how it develops over time.

  • KateWild

    One body I served on of 9-14 men, about 7 of them were related, fathers, sons, son in law. Lots of times you knew the "family" had already decided which way a decision was going to go before the BOE meeting.-pontoon

    This is something I suspected also, but to see someone admit to this gives me justification for my suspicions. It is so easy to believe this happens, the WT is filled with nepotism. I noticed this shortly after I got baptised, but put it on the shelf. Thanks for your experience.

    Kate xx

  • WTWizard

    Sounds like pure communism to me. They promise that everyone will be able to afford a new building. However, when the time comes, they stint on the funding and no one gets one. Instead, congregations are strapped into donating for these things. They get stuck with big pledges, and the hounders get stuck with the bill when they come up short. In turn, they hound the congregation for more donations. Eventually, they start tracking down those who do not donate, and start "shepherding" them.

    In time, you start seeing hounders (and the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger) starting a situation where everyone must make an individual pledge. They keep that on file. Each month, that person's donations are matched with the pledges--or they are hounded to have it automatically debited from bank accounts or added to credit cards. If they come up short, they are hounded. They could lose "privileges(??)". They could be subject to a judicial hearing, possibly for welshing on a promise, or even "brazen conduct" after an earlier hounding. Or, if they can find a bad judge, they could even be sued for "breach of contract". Anything to inflict mass poverty on the flock.

    And, if you think this is bad, wait until they start imposing pledges for the Worldwide Damnation Fund. If that card is played, virtually everything the whole congregation owns, including personal property, becomes communal (similar to Twelve Tribes Cult!). Beyond the congregations pledging, the individuals could be forced to pledge (under hounding, loss of "privileges(??)", disfellowshipping threats, or possibly even legal action). They could insist on seeing the same W2 forms that are used for income tax filings to determine what each "should" pledge, disregarding fluctuations in income. They then determine, usually stingily, how much you "need" and expect you to pledge the difference. They then can keep track of how much you donate--pay cash, they match it against your pledge. Checks are also matched. If you use a credit card or direct withdrawal, they also match that with how much you pledge. They also match your pledge with what they determine you should have pledged--if the pledge is low, they hound and threaten.

    My advice: Simply leave the pledge form at home. If they shove another one in your face, you simply tell them that, since they are putting you on the spot, you are going to put zero or a negative amount (meaning they pay you monthly instead of you paying them) in the box. Do not raise your hand in agreement to any resolutions. Donate nothing. If they force you into a pledge or put a positive amount in your behalf, simply welsh on it and tell them they had no right to pledge in your behalf (and that they can and should get disfellowshipped by their own standard, as this is theft). Go and find Zero Dollar Bills and Void Checks and put those in the box in lieu of real cash. And, whatever you do, do NOT attempt to have automatic deductions from your bank account or charges on your credit card. They go behind your back and put you in for that, you simply report a disallowed transaction and they will get in big Trouble.


    If they ever attempt to get into my bank account, through my wife, the gloves will come off. GOD does not need money. So EXBEHERE, did anyone raise any valid questions? Or was it like the letter was penned by GOD himself?


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Hey PONTOON, I was in a cong like the one you described!! Is it in the UK?

  • pontoon

    Searcher, no, it's in NY not far from Wat farm. So our body grew to be dominated by the family as appointments were made over the years, dad, sons, brother in and 1 or 2 other local brothers, remainder brothers from Wat farm. The number of farm brothers would always vary. Some years ago there was a letter, the gist of it being that if an elder moved to a new congregation with a good letter there was no reason not to quickly reappoint the man. If he was assigned by the Org to the conregation he was automatcally appointed elder. Could be wrong, but that's what I remember. I fought against that, felt a man should have time to settle in, learn people's names and get to "know the appearance of the flock." Anyway these new guys would always vote with the majority.

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