July 2014 WT cracks down on apostate debates and 'dance parties'

by EndofMysteries 87 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tiki

    so one dude is so pathetic he can't keep it zipped if he sees people dancing????????????????? he found the right religion for himself. that is just sick.

  • tiki

    leaving quietly - if you're happy and you know it that's a sin!!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa love it!

  • Maat13


  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Read full article here :www.jwdoctrine.com

    One of the greatest activists of the last century ,Mahatma Gandhi described best the stages of a winning strategy of nonviolent activism against oppressive regimes :”First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

    It would seem that the Watchtower Society is currently experiencing the effects of such nonviolent activism in the form of “apostate” websites such as this one that they can’t control .Instead of engaging in a dialogue with their alienated base they continue their continuous “witch hunting” with their latest Study article July 15th, 2014 “Jehovah Knows Those Who Belong to Him”.

    Starting from paragraph 4 ,they set the tone for the rest of the article describing as “hypocritical worshipers” all those who disobey their self-imposed authority .(Please substitute the name “Jehovah” with “Governing Body” )

    At first glance ,this quotation makes no sense .Who were these apostates in the first century ? and how were they inflicting spiritual harm to others ? The answer becomes obvious when you actually read these verses from the Bible and see what part of these verses they conveniently left out.Let’s read from the New World Translation:

    There is no use of the word apostates here .In fact the word “ἀποστασίαν=apostasy” appears only twice in the Bible (Acts 21:21,2 Thess. 2:3) .First the Pharisees used it to describe Paul and later is used in the Bible to describe a future event relating with the deviation that would occur after the death of the apostles within the Christian congregation.The word was never used to describe active members of the first century congregation .

    How about the actual teaching “these ones” were using to subvert the faith of some ? They were saying that the resurrection had already taken place .The literal resurrection of Jesus Christ is the very foundation of the Christian faith .Paul explains :” Now if it is being preached that Christ has been raised from the dead,how is it that some among you say there is no resurrection of the dead? If, indeed, there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ has not been raised up. But if Christ has not been raised up, our preaching is certainly in vain, and your faith is also in vain.”(1 Corinthians 15:12-14) Apparently some in the first Christian congregation were saying that the resurrection had already taken place in a metaphorical way .

    There is nothing in these verses to indicate that Paul was referring to apostates that questioned his apostolic appointment. Never.Never the less the Watchtower feels justified to alter the meaning of the text to fit its own agenda.

  • Vidiot

    raymond frantz - "One of the greatest activists of the last century, Mahatma Gandhi described best the stages of a winning strategy of nonviolent activism against oppressive regimes: 'First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.'"

    Well we're definately in stage three at this point.

    "Deep into it", to borrow a WT term.

  • bafh

    Remember that study article for December 2013? Warnings against those who speculate.

    Hasn't WT been speculating for over 100 years? I agree, we need to crack down on that and reject unscriptural teachings - especially from the WT. Jesus did say no one would know the day or the hour except the Father. So, my question is: why have we spent the last century doing nothing but trying to guess a date? Seems so contradictory. How about we focus on developing our character, helping those who need it, and living productive lives??

  • LongHairGal


    The reason the religion is cracking down on so-called "apostate" debates is because they know that rank and file JWs cannot defend their religious beliefs, if they even know or understand what they are currently supposed to believe in. They only end up looking like fools or they run away like cowards.

    If the Witness religion knew they had any kind of truth they would not shy away from open and public debates with anybody.

    BTW, when did these dance parties come on the scene??

  • EndofMysteries

    longhair - In states like Florida and CA, atleast 15+ years. I know in more conservative areas a JW party consists of having a picnic at the park and singing kingdom melodies or something like that.

    Russell was the only one who didn't shy from public and open debates. I think it was after the fake rutherford took over the whole religion changed. He was embarrassed by being called out on his false prophesies, indulgent lifestyle, and angry how many left following him.

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