I don't find this stuff amusing anymore

by sparrowdown 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Laika

    Oh gosh wasblind, that's so sad, makes me want to cry.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    "But the truth is bro's and sis's nobody intends to become a failure"


    But the truth is bro's and sis's nobody intends to become a failure mindless cult member who is forced to listen to an endless stream of Richard Craniums spouting ignorant drivel from the platform every week".

  • WTWizard

    Having 3 children with 3 different fathers is probably less shameful than being 98 and celibate. In the real world, humans are not all monogamous, and that is no more offensive than having gay or lesbian sex. As for the being on drugs, what about the mothers who have several children from different fathers and eventually settle down and have a happy family life without drugs?

    Sure, it is a struggle. Part of that is the system designed to enslave us. We are effectively slaves to a company that doesn't give a fxxxabout anything except its own profits and its involvement in the global genocidal agendas. Then we are enslaved to banks that insist on getting us into debt so they can take more in interests, and the Rothschilds that are responsible for our income tax systems where you are presumed guilty until you prove to their satisfaction that you are innocent (and they still charge interest and arbitrary penalties). But does the washtowel make it any easier? Or, do they insist on wasting even more time? Every time you attend a boasting session, you waste time. Every time you do field circus, you waste time. And the clothing used for field circus requires special care, usually a special trip to the dry "cleaners(??)". More wasted time. And the money you waste on gas, dry "cleaning(??)" bills, donations to the Worldwide Damnation Fund, and attending Grand Boasting Sessions could have been put toward helping the family, even with 3 different fathers.

    If anyone ought to be ashamed, it should be the religion that shames the mother while adding greatly to the burden.

  • LisaRose

    It's sad. Young people make mistakes, they have found the the brain of a teen is not fully developed, the consequences of various behaviors are not really understood. It's not great that a young girl gets pregnant, but it's not the end of the world, or doesn't need to be. With parental help, she can go on to get an education and have a great life. Making someone feel ashamed and condemned is not really necessary, it's actually just cruel. Jesus said "let him who is without sin cast the first stone, but there is no mercy among the Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • sparrowdown

    Oh and another thing I remembered another another bro said in a public talk lets call him Bro "I have it on good authority".

    Well Bro says in his talk that "he has it on good authority" (fails to mention authority good or otherwise).

    ."........that you only have to smoke pot once to develop schizophrenia and there is nothing you can do about it because it may not show up for years. In fact everyone who smokes dope goes on to develop mental illness in one form or another..... "blahdy blah blah ininformed crap continues down this vein for some time then we arrive at alcoholics

    " .. I don't know if any of you bro's and sis's know this but there is no helping alcoholics. The only thing that will help alcoholics is armageddon...."

    OMG! There are at least one schizophrenic and two alcoholics in the audience.

    Another fine public discourse from bastards inc.

  • Xanthippe

    We don't have to help anyone. There's nothing we can do. We just have to sit back and wait for God to do everything. A great religion for lazy people who judge everyone as useless and beyond help.

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    @LisaRose- Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, but there is no mercy among Jehovah Witnesses.

    That biblical account listed at John 8:1-11 is not in there bible and no, they do not teach mercy at the Kingdom Halls. That account used to be a footnote in the old NWT but it was removed because it says a number of authorative manuscripts remove it but it fails to cite which ones.


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