I made my daughters cry last night.....

by Ugottabefresh 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LisaRose

    Your children have been indicated into a cult, that took time, it will take time to unindoctrinate. Ask them questions to help then learn to look at things differently. You could ask " Do you think God is loving" . If they say yes, then ask " Do you think a loving God would kill innocent children?". Then just leave it, let them think about that for a while. There are so many logical fallacies to the JW belief system, even children can see it if it is presented in the right way.

    Another time you could say "If God exists......" That way you can plant the idea that there is a possibility that he actually doesn't exist. If they say they are afraid for you, just reassure them that you are doing what you think is right, that there are many opinions about God and whether he exists or not, and if he does exist there are different opinions about what he wants. Eventually they will start to accept your choice even if they don't agree. As they get older they will naturally start to think more for them selves, that just normal human development. Then the seeds you have planted will take root and grow. It will be a lot easier for them if the know at least one parent supports them if they choose not to be Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Very often children are believers in early childhood, up until they hit puberty, then they start to think more independently and have questions and doubts. The retention rate for JW children is quite low, so obviously many children reject the religion, that's why it is such a tragedy that so many get baptized at a young age, they are still just reflecting the religion of their parents, it's not a mature decision. Just be there for your kids and help them adjust when that does happen.

  • humbled

    This is scarey for them because they don't know what it means--except there is explicit and implied DEATH for unbelievers !!!!!!

    If they know you are safe, and they are safe they will be alright.

    If it doesn't offend you, I suggest, for children their age to watch the movie "Dumbo" with them. I myself have had to remind myself that like the little elephant, I have had the power to fly on my own. But I had put my faith in a magic feather for so long that I had/have trouble believing that I have "flown" before and will fly again. I have been "flying" on my own for 61 years and have only just realized it.

    When they begin to see how good effort often produces good results---Even among those in the "WORLD" they will see more clearly how this is so--and they may let go of the magic feather too.

    My heart goes out to your family. all the best--Maeve

  • sarahsmile


    Most JW children should be exposed to other ways of thinking!

    But will you be able to respect your children chooses of wanting to believe in the miracles of God and life?

    I guess that is the point to offer diversity and allow them to make choices.

    It probably will not be the last time you make your children cry! Better to train them to be opened to all kinds of viewpoints.

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