"the world has never been worse" - not according to this website..

by disposable hero of hypocrisy 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Next week's wt is full of helpful encouragement not to believe satanic propaganda that might tell us that the world is getting to be a better place to live in.

    Well, I stumbled across this article here, that contains lots of so-called 'facts' and 'figures', I'm sure glad I read my wt first so I can recognise that this is nothing but lies, all lies.

  • LostGeneration

    Thanks for that.

    I recently challenged my JW wife on that point, as she is wasting a ton of time in FS this month. It didnt go well. Sigh. Brainwashing is a bitch...

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    The reason I looked for the article is because of a discussion with my wife. I don't know about your relationship but I don't feel right coming back later with an article to prove my point. Seems very brinkmanshiplike. If that's a word. It probably isn't. I don't think it'd go down well..

  • Oubliette

    Good stuff you'll never see in any "the sky is falling" edition of the WT.

    DHOH: I don't feel right coming back later with an article to prove my point.

    Why not? That's what she would do. Only her article would have "Watchtower" on the cover and be filled with unsubstantianted assertion.

    If JWs have "the Truth" then she shouldn't be afraid of facts.

  • A.proclaimer

    Next weeks article is propaganda. Sure there are things that are worse today than in the past but there also many things that have improved today and were worse back then. I found it funny when they were comparing today to the 40's and 50's. They mention all the bad things today and lessen them for those years. No mention of racism, racial crimes and murder, kkk, supressing and lacking women/minority/homosexual rights, fear of communism and hunting down suspected communists (Hollywood 10 for example), etc. if you were living in Europe, 1940's was the war and the decade afterwards was rebuilding what was left from the disaster. They've used this same tactic for the October 8, 1968 Awake article mentioning 1975.

    This one is on crime rates in the US


    Metatron gives a link to an article on teenagers today compared to the past.


  • WTWizard

    Think it is bad today? How would they like living during the Inquisition? Back then, everyone had to give up their religious beliefs--even with proof that it was working for them. They were forced to believe the rubbish we call Christianity today, or they would be tortured to death. And back then, the pagan religions were mainstream--joke-hova and its filthy angels were busy snuffing that, and most of the human race, out trying to force xianity down their throats. And the countries that didn't respond to that, Islam took care of that. Both are designed to prepare for communism, which is what xianity is and was when people were forced into it.

    And don't even think of arguing that you have proof that the planets go around the sun. The earth was stationary, and everything revolved around the flat earth--and if you argue, you got tortured. Satan and His Demons were declared evil, and anyone that had good experiences with them were forced to renounce them or tortured. That fictional character we know as Jesus was invented, and everyone was forced to believe the story as real. Then everyone was forced to believe that they are inherently rotten sinners, and only through this fictitious character could this invented sinfulness be "cured". Heaven, actually a place where souls go to be harvested for destruction and damnation, was billed as the ultimate destination and people were forced to believe. Hell, in reality a place where deceased souls are protected from harm, was rebranded as a place of eternal torment (and angels under joke-hova created such a place to back it up). Most important, anyone that refused to go along with this scam was tortured and slaughtered.

    The result: Science stopped. That's why the plague took so many lives. That is why we had such lousy conditions back then. Everyone except the lords was miserably poor--and I mean worse than we are today. They were indebted forever, and their lords provided almost nothing except the barest sustenance to their slaves. Spirituality was cut off. People were no longer allowed to contact Demons, lest they be slaughtered. Instead, they had that nazarene that was supposed to be where all psychic energy went into. This condition persisted around 1,000 years before the cat lick church got its butt whooped.

    Now, this is no assurance that we are not headed back there now. Communism is essentially what this was about. The cat lick church was similar to communism today. Conditions endured then were basically the same as endured in communist countries here on earth, and in other worlds where the angels have already fully implemented full communism before. But, we are not all the way there now. There are still countries with a little freedom left, albeit rapidly deteriorating. Yet, those xians (including the jokehovians) stupidly disregard this. Were it not for Satan and His Demons, we would already have fallen to full communism back in the Inquisition.

  • DuvanMuvan

    Found this gem in the wt study that DHOH was talking about. Apparently this is evidence that human wickedness is increasing.

    " And many recognize that homosexuals have a loud voice in the fields of entertainment and fashion, promoting their lifestyle in the public realm. How thankful we can be that we know God’s view!" -paragraph 9

    I love how they mention "God's view" right after a pretty shocking statement like that. It's like they're playing the god card so people can't disagree with what they say

  • pixel

    The best time of humanity was right before 1914. Around 1913 or 1912 if you will. According to WT/FDS/GB.

  • BU2B

    Exept that before 1914 in actuality they said that it was the worst time ever and that the last days started in 1799 and that they said this:

    "But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble"

    Didnt sound like bible students back then were too thrilled with the conditions around them does it?

  • Finkelstein

    The one singular fact that some organizations like the WTS. fear mongering publishing house propagates ,

    is not noting or accepting that the world's human population has grown enormously, which if you

    don't take that into account, makes humanity's perils appear worse that previous generations.

    The WTS. wants people to think that humanity is living in detrimentally worse times than the past but thats realistically part

    of the WTS's forwarding marketing agenda. (fear mongering)


    See, this proves we are living in the end times as spoked about in the bible.

    Intellectual honesty has never been strongly adhered to by the WTS. Corporation, most likely never will.

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