What do you believe in after "The Truth&qu...

by Atreyu 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Carmel

    I've been a member of the Baha'i Faith for over twenty years now which allows me to see the good in all the worlds religions rather than seeing the misuse of religion.


  • Adonai438

    Hi Atreyu,

    I left the WT because of personal Bible studying and discovering their doctrines were not the truth. I became a christian. Can be a loaded word in this society but in the Biblical sense a Christian, follower of Christ. Lv4fer & I agree .
    From research on many topics I know God exists. I also know from evidence the Bible is reliable and from God. There is One True God, named Yahweh, who eternally exists in three persons- Father, Son & Holy Sprit. Jesus came to die for our sins and raised to give us life. Our faith alone in him is our salvation. No work or good deed will make us good enough, soley by Gods grace. As a Christian we follow Christs example and love everyone. We share our faith with those interested and help others. The 'Church' is comprised of all true believers. It is not one set denomination or specific church.
    The church building and local congregation serve as a place for christians to gather to worship God and learn, and serve others.
    Membership in a physical church is not equal salvatio or membership in Christs Church as spoken of in the Bible. Again, Faith in the truths of the Bible, and more specificly, God and Christ is what saves.

    After the WT it can be hard to want 'religion' or God but we should all remember that although the jws twist God and are wrong about many things, this does not mean God isn't true. Judge God based on the evidence not on religions. <>< Angie

  • LittleToe

    I not only believe in, but have a very personal relationship with my Father, His Son (my Lord and brother) and the Holy Spirit.

    On scripture, I believe that many texts may be used to draw one to Him. These consist of words written by men, but the inspiration was from God. Hence, they may be coloured by the individual authors perception of what was presented to him.

    On gifts of the Spirit, I fully believe in them. I think that the only limiting factor is our imagination, since the Holy Spirit is everywhere and is powerful. That having been said, I have never spoken in tongues.

    On religions and organizations, I believe that many have the potential to unlock spirituality, although some are more dangerous than others.
    As a stepping stone to God and a strengthening aid through association with others, they serve a useful purpose. However, they can be a very slippery stepping stone, as many see them as the end, rather than the means to an end.

    I value Christian liberty, and believe that we are encouraged to works (as fruits) by means of the Holy Spirit, rather than wholey by our own efforts. The conscience is something to be prized, and more is permissable than a rulebook allows. At the end of the day "love" is the law, the whole law. I permit no man to judge me, on that basis, though I will freely apologise if I offend someone.

    Nathan's "force" analogy is probably closer to reality than most realise.

  • sndy420

    I believe that a creator who actually loves human beings exists.I believe that we humanize that creator instead of realizing he/she is so elevated beyond our thought processes. I believe that by chosing a specific religion to serve that creator causes more harm than good. I believe all humans have a need for spirituality in thier lives and not recognizing that need also causes harm. I believe that just as we are given diversity in creation we must recognize this also in humanity and each person must find thier own spirituality. I believe in tolerance. Kindness. Understanding. I believe that we are capable of change and though this may not be easy it is imparitive. Because I really don't know what happens after death ( does anybody?? ) we are given only a short time to get it right so we better work very hard on this. And I believe I am rambling so I will stop.

  • SPAZnik

    I believe
    this is a
    good question.
    There is a wonderful
    of beliefs
    on this forum.

    I believe
    that i can
    enjoy everybody's
    without forcing
    myself upon them
    (or vice versa).

    I believe
    i am in a period
    of transition
    spiritually speaking
    and that i can
    make my personal
    spiritual journey
    from here on in,
    an enjoyable one.

    So far,
    I believe
    in myself.

    My jury is still
    on whether
    I believe in God
    or Creation
    The vote isn't
    unanymous or
    by any means
    but i'm leaning

    I believe
    life should be
    made enjoyable
    and should feel
    worth living
    for me
    and for those
    around me.

    I believe
    i'll do all i can
    to do just that.


  • teenyuck

    I agree with Spaz, all except the jury being out on there being a God.

    My jury returned a verdict....Does not Exist. Matty's comments pretty much sum it up.

  • Kristen

    I don't know yet.

  • Satanus

    Maybe nothing is real. Maybe this whole thing is a dream of 'god'. Maybe, in this way 'god' lives through each of us.


  • garybuss


    I am a pragmatist. That is partly why I did not make a good Jehovah's Witness.

    Jehovah's Witness is not a good climate for a person most comfortable in objective reality.

    Religion is not really a good climate for a person most comfortable in objective reality.

    I do like free religious people a lot and I love the social atmosphere of the churches. I love the food at churches. I just don't much go for the dogma.

    Maybe I will go into politics:-)



  • freedomhouse3

    I am a Buddhist who practices Nichiren Buddhism with a little help from SGI-USA. This helps me to look for eternal happiness from within by Chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. To give you a short translation of this it means:

    "I devote myself to the UNIVERSAL LAW of CAUSE & Effect through SOUND or VIBRATION."

    I think those of you who are musicians would appreciate this. We also believe that ALL LIFE ITSELF IS ETERNAL. For more info please feel free to explore the website itself at www.sgi-usa.org

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