"You can't sit there" (bad language)

by Simon 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids

    Wow Simon! Wish I had your balls! Er...I don't mean that quite how it sounds...you know what I mean!

    I remember one circuit assembly; I was there with a toddler and a newborn, no hubby. The baby was crying and there was no room in the mother's area for us, it was packed, so I sat in these really comfortable couches in the corridor but of course was told by an attendant that I couldn't sit there. I explained the situation so he found me a spot in the first aid area. Was no sooner sat down than they ran me out of there too! I was almost in tears, my feet hurt, the baby was crying, Justin was tugging on me and nobody gave a flying f*** for anything other than that their precious rules were observed. I went home.

    Dana (thanks for the memories)

  • orangefatcat

    Back in 1991/92 Summer Assembly in Toronto at Maple Leaf Gardens was the hotest assembly we ever attended in 30 yrs plus. It was so hot you got in the gardens and the temperature was stiffling. You couldn't breath, We stayed in the Carlton hotel attached to the then Maple Leaf Gardens. I think I ran back and forth to our room to change my underwear and clothes several times during the day as within minutes your clothes were soaked through and through and that is no exageration. Does anyone from the Toronto area and district remember that summer assembly? Boy what torture. I felt real sorry for the ill and infirm and elderly who so willingly sat during that unbearable heat. It was one of Toronto"s worst heatwaves. Ah yes those were the days. I must have had sawdust in my brains back then.
    Oh well live and learn. And yes the attendants were the worse, you think that they would shut up so you could hear the program, well no way, they were always so rude and inconsiderate. My ex husband never sat down during any assemblies, he was a wanderer and did more yapping and gossipping at assemblies. I use to tell him he was rude but he never listened to me anyway. Oh well , I am wiser now.
    and yes
    HINDSIGHT IS 20/20!!

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Hi, Simon

    Your initiative reminded me of an incident from about 5 years ago. A 30-year-old attendant told an ex-elder’s wife that she could not sit in the only seat available in the floor section. She too was about 8 months along. The bearded ex-elder looked firmly into the attendants eye’s and said, “Yes she will you mother f**ker!” The funny part was when the attendant suddenly realized who the man was staring him in the eye—a man who once was on a judicial committee that “showed mercy” on him when he was found out to be having a sexual affair with his father’s wife, his mother! After snickering to myself I turned around to again take note of our exceptionally boring speaker for that afternoon, Dave Sinclair.

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    I think of the Pasadina assembly September 1963. I was ten years old. It started at 9:AM and ended at 9:30 PM. Unless some high ranking windbag got going and then proper timing went out the window or stadium. 3 1/2 hour sessions, 118,000 people an all bleacher seats everywhere. Got home at midnight because of the traffic jams (mostly in the parking lot). 8 days of this madness! Even rain all day on Wednesday but that was better than the 100 degree heat the rest of the time. People were dropping like flies from heat stroke.
    Then there was the Kansas city assembly of July 1969, held during the first moonwalk (not Jackson's Armstrong's). The Black Panthers tried breaking that one up but us brothers chased them out of the parking lot. I remember I guy holding an American flag and a sign saying "There is an American Flag on the Moon why not Here?" Why? because we were all a bunch of American Flag hating loonies.

  • Mazza

    Simon, I also said something very rude that I have always felt guilty about. When we stopped meetings, we had endless visits from 'the friends' and we also had a new baby (no. 2) that was related to the devil himself. I was exhausted from lack of sleep and the endless visits had begun to wear. Especially as no one offered to help me - they just came for cups of tea and to bore on about how they raised their kids. So when two elders showed up one saturday morning, I said; "have you come to make a nuisance of yourselves?" They didn't stay long - surprise, surprise. Fuck off might have done it as well, but one of the elders was a really nice guy and I hated myself afterwards for being so unkind to him.

    I did tell someone to Fuck off once but I was taking a female hormone that makes women more aggressive. What's your excuse? hehehe!


  • LB

    Did you really feel bad about cursing Simon? Oh I had such an urge many a time and actually regret not cursing the person out at the time.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Mazza

    Boozerunner, I am still reeling from reading your post. I find it astounding that twice the *loving brothers* chose to question your honesty and integrity. Yours is an awful story. Just awful.


  • Elsewhere
    (she popped the week after) and again it's too damn hot

    You need to time your conceptions a little better! Remember, “do it” nine months before fair weather.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • TR

    I love this stuff, Simon.

    I was one of those dillweed attendants once upon a time. Fortunately, no one that I know of told me to F.O.!


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • Elsewhere

    TR, they said it under their breath, like a good JW.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

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