News article: Watchtower buys former motel

by AndersonsInfo 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Also, will the WTBTS convert motels to rest homes for JWs...and all you have to do make the WTBTS the beneficiary of your house and assets when you die.


    JWs already give their children's inheritances to WT. WT doesn't need to operate "rest homes" to successfully pilfer the coffers of JW families. In reality, WT doesn't give a damn about the welfare of retiring/elderly JWs or anyone else.

  • wannabefree

    Robert "Why would the WTBTS buy motels?"

    I would assume ... in Brooklyn, when temporary volunteer workers came, they had plenty of housing available, in the new location, they needed a place to put these workers and it was quicker and cheaper to buy an existing motel than to build a temporary residence. Just my opinion. What they do with it in the end will be interesting to see.

  • designs

    You know some other religions at least pay a dividend to their investors.

  • watson

    I always felt they should provide housing for those older ones that have "volunteered" for decades, and now have nothing.

  • pontoon

    The Hampton Inn they bought is very close to the Newburgh Assembly Hall. Maybe a mile. About 15 miles from Wat Farm. The Ass Hall is a main place for the Borg Bethel family. No doubt Hampton will be used for special events, upper class witnesses that want to visit the upstate society facilities......wouldn't suprise me if eventually there is a "suggested" donation to stay there (no doubt priced about the same as a comparable worldly motel)

  • frankiespeakin

    How about housing for all those thrown to the curb COs and DOs over 70.

  • JustVisting

    They are not going to use the Hotel to house retired DOs. They will be assigned to live out their days in the congregations throughout the US. Let the local yokels bury their dead.

  • steve2

    Hampton Inn is the latest of many material proofs that the end is not near.

    Small wonder Witnesses nowadays combine door-knocking with generous coffee breaks at Starbucks throughout the day.

    So much to do and so much time to do it in.

  • mynameislame

    I'd rather stay here

  • Ding

    Amazing how they are making all these real estate transactions with the end so near...

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