Caliber, First, you are now making an assertion that I merely glanced at what you wrote. That's not true. Secondly, you are claiming it's too difficult to explain why it's wrong and that is ALSO not true. What you asked for in your previous post was to explain what the uncertainty principle is. I didn't do that and I am still not going to do that. You have access to Google if you really want to know. My job isn't "explain things to Caliber that he/she won't bother to lookup".
A medieval question for you, if you believe in god....
by snare&racket 55 Replies latest jw friends
As some others have stated, the question is absurd, but it does have an answer. Obviously the answer is yes. God can choose to limit himself in any way he desires, such as deciding that he will not be able to lie, or deciding to confine himself to some rule of the universe he created, like gravity. There's no paradox here.
There still is. If god can choose to confine himself to a rule and then choose to unbind himself to that rule, he really isn't bound by it at all. That's no different that saying "Viviane can choose to lock herself in an inescapable room, but could choose to simple walk through the walls if she needs out." By definition, the room cannot be the first thing if the second thing is true. Paradox remains.
By Viviane's logic a husband could bind himself to moral faithfulness to his wife but it's not really a bind at all because
he could go out and commit adultery at any time of his choosing. (marriage should be a bond of love that binds however)
Moral law is a binding of the mind and spirit which in turn binds the flesh ( for humans)
Likewise God can bind or restrain his power & spirit for a benefical purpose
By Viviane's logic a husband could bind himself to moral faithfulness to his wife but it's not really a bind at all because he could go out and commit adultery at any time of his choosing.
Of course that's not my logic, don't be silly. Your attempt to change my example is flawed from the first because you are taking the nature what what something is and attempting to conflate it with what someone says.
The question is specifically related to the nature of and what it means to be all powerful.
Moral law is a binding of the mind and spirit which in turn binds the flesh for humans
Not really the issue here and not true for everyone or every society. What is "moral" can vary from person to person and from culture to culture.
Likewise God can bind or restrain himself for a benefical purpose
That's well and good, but it in no way addresses the paradox.
Being all powerful in my opinion involves a balancing action with all the cardinal qualities of God.
I see God as "almighty ", rather than simply "all powerful" because I fear that term ignores
God's other balancing qualities Love, justice, wisdom ( note power is listed last )
I see God as "almighty ", rather than simply "all powerful" because I fear that term ignores
How is one different than the other?
I fear that term ignores God's other balancing qualities Love, justice, wisdom ( note power is listed last )
If God's power is limited by his love, then he most certainly is not all powerful or almighty.
If God's power is limited by love , then he is most certainly is not all powerful or almighty
One of the most disturbing conclusions I have ever read !!!!!!!!!!!!
So ruthless power is true power then ?
I am lost as to whether people are acting stupid or just not getting it. Either way, stop embarassing yourselves by trying to answer the question. It is a paradox to make you think on the conflicting inability to label anything 'all powerful'.
i was astounded to see some people get it then claim their god was not all powerful and didnt claim to be. Never thought I would ever hear that !
What is a god if he is bound by laws and restrictions he made? That is no god!
.....and so the rope untangles...
One of the most disturbing conclusions I have ever read !!!!!!!!!!!!
All mean all, not "all except when you don't like it".
So ruthless power is true power then ?
That would be a stupid thing to say. Show me a a quote of who said that (besides you, of course) and I'll happily correct them. You can show that quote, right?
If God's power is limited by love, then he is certainly not all powerful or almighty
by default power without love and consideration is ruthless
take away the' so called" limitation of God's love what is left ? .. ruthless love
ruthless defined .. having no compassion or pity, merciless, coldhearted, hard hearted , uncaring
unforgiving, harsh,
How can limiting love be anything but a negative and ruthless love ?
So ruthless power is true power then ? this was a question not a quote
You know what a quote is right ?
You know what by default means right ?
Love enhances God's power as does justice and wisdom
To God call weak or lacking power for exercising these qualities is unbelievable to me