Which Bible Translation?

by Blackbird Fly 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Pistoff

    "LOL, here's what the egg-heads say: this is from 'How To read The Bible For All Its Worth' (2003) Zondervan; pages 52-53:"

    If it is from Zondervan, I would not see it as from the 'egg-heads' (if by that you mean scholars).

    Zondervan is a bible publishing house, certainly not neutral.

    No Bible translation, no matter how accurate to the original language, can inform us on what the intent of the authors or redactors were, and what the text meant in its day.

  • transhuman68

    Zondervan publish the King James Version, and the Amplfied Bible; both of which were rubbished in the conclusion I posted. I don't think they were too biased. Not that it really matters- as you say, the original context of the Bible gone now, and we can't really relate to it.

    Oh, and b.t.w. here's who the two authors claim to be: Gordon D. Fee is professor of New Testament at Regent College, Vancouver, British Columbia. Douglas Stuart is professor of Old Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. They are the authors of How to Read the Bible Book by Book.

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