this is how witnessing is being done nowadays

by losingit 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    this is how witnessing is being done nowadays

    This email msg contains 16 independent proofs that..

    ...Jehovah’s Witnesses Are The Only True Religion.


    ............................................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • doneandout

    So a man overlooks a woman's shoulder to find out her email...that sound very preverted to me.

    Now I'm thinking that getting one of those privaticy screen covers is a good investment for when I'm at a wifi hot spot.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    That is seriously disturbing. I hope she reported it to the manager. I would have issues with ANYONE doing something that sneaky.

  • steve2

    Hold the press!!! Man, if a stranger sitting next to me snooped to get my email and proceeded to email me, all hell would break loose. I wouldn't give a tinker's cuss what the f*ckin! message was - the message is irrelevant. I am astonished your friend did not kick up a real fuss about the creep's violation of her privacy. What he did was so wrong on several levels. A loud protest would extinguish this creep's behavior.

    BTW, if someone looked over my shoulder whilst I was on my laptop, they wouldn't be able to determine my email. I'm confused about how looking over someone's shoulder on their laptop will reveal their email details. Could you please clarify exactly what happened?

  • Mum

    hamsterbait: Do you mean a verb and a pronoun - initials FY?

  • smiddy

    Sorry , but I find it hard to beleive someone looking over your shoulder while your using your laptop can see your e-mail address , sorry it does not compute.


  • DuvanMuvan

    I'm guessing she was logging onto her email and it showed up on the screen like when I log into gmail or something.

  • jwfacts

    The email shows he believes himself to be highly educated, yet with each point he is incorrect. I would feel sorry for the man if it was not for how arrogant he is.

  • KateWild

    He is a stalking JW nut job trying to count some time. He will be that wierd brother that no one wants to partner, and has poor social skills. He is probably seen by the elders as a liability and has been on restrictions a few times. He obviously believes the WT has the truth, but is not doing things the GB's way.

    This guy sounds very dangerous and if your friend gets anymore emails from him she should block them. If she ever see's him again give him a wide birth.

    Kate xx

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Always sit with your back to the wall....

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