I have decided to keep my Blood Card in a prominent place in my Wallet

by cantleave 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave
  • KateWild

    Good for you, you are a rare blood group too. Kate xx

  • snowbird


    The last time I tried to donate, my chronic hypertension prevented it.


    Edited to add: I am type AB+ - kind of rare.

  • Phizzy

    Well done mate ! ditto with me. I have a car key ring thingy too.

    I am B+ , hardly very rare, but only about 8% of the population are the same, so it is in demand. Glad I am useful for something !

    Mine comes with a guarantee that there is a good percentage of Real Ale in it !

  • 88JM

    Haha but you're with the evil RBS bank like me!

    I've always wanted to know - how do I actually find out my blood type?

    I can't really ask my parents as they would ask why, and probably wouldn't tell me if they knew why!

    I'm in the UK - presumably I can ask my GP doctor?

  • wasblind

    Too bad Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to donate to the supply

    in which they can recieve blood fraction from

  • Xanthippe

    cantleave it is something I have thought of doing but have been put off by stories that it is a very lengthy process to begin with involving endless medical questions and many forms to fill in. Is that still true?

  • snowbird

    88, ask your GP; she/he will not mind telling you.


  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    Good for you my friend x You are rare indeed :)

  • 88JM

    Cool thanks snowbird - I'd be well chuffed if I was something rare - I doubt it though.

    I was actually having a discussion with someone from California who runs an animal blood bank, and there is a huge need for animal blood donations too! It never really occurred to me about that.

    Apparently some animals have many more blood types than humans too and it can get really difficult finding a rare animal blood type.

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