Just got a call from an elder

by nolongerconfused 34 Replies latest jw friends


    The Elders are just misled for the most part. They are tired. They are human beings who are having their souls sucked out of them, year after year. They get just enough spiritual "junk food" to be alive. The parasitic ORG needs them living, but not thriving enough to contemplate escape. It's pretty sad.


  • krejames

    yeah I had a call yesterday too. didn't pick up but I assume it's memorial season madness.

  • snare&racket

    Probably sat with a list of numbers to call.....

    Ever day my old belief system seems wierder and wierder, the fact they think they can call and leave a message like that and not have the perspective to realise how cold, businesslike and eye opening such a message is.

    "you will know them by the [fake] love they have amonst themselves."

  • cultBgone

    Data_Dog is right, they are having the life sucked out of them and probably at a faster pace than the troops. If they can't show Love, then we should, but only in the way we respond....not by stepping into a (shudder) back room or attending their services. By your kindness, let them see that life is indeed better and kinder Outside.

  • DJS

    Dog, good post. Most of the elders mean well, as they did a long time ago when I was one. Many are egocentric power driven nasty little men, and that's the problem. They typically get their way in the BOE. Don't answer or respond to any emails, visits or phone calls. Fade. Quietly.

  • RagingBull

    Trust me... and I know this for a fact because I over-heard a phone conversation from an Elder's (dad) side.

    The C.O.s are commissioning the Elders to go thru their records/publisher cards...find inactive ones (who have not attended meetings for a while) and call or visit them. many of these visits and calls will be to determine if you have plans of sticking with/ or coming back to the ORG.

    By the tone, I sense they are "cleaning house" and writing off those ones as "apostates, or disassociated ones". I say that only because the words "not facing the music so they can still do things with their family and friends. Can't have it both ways, ya know"

    They are to keep trying (oh, and they are using social media sites to track those ones down too.) asking friends, family, even members in other congregations who may have seen you in more recent times. Once they know "where you stand" or "what's going on with you" they will proceed to DF you and take you off of their list, or send your card to your new congregation with notes possibly.

    Depending on how long you've been AWAY - you may be subject to have a personal home bible study. (to get you up to speed with recent light I'm sure)

  • jam

    What do you think would happen if I called the KH and told them

    I'm a Apostate, can I have a personal bible study. I have been

    away from the truth a long time, for the past few years I have been

    studying with Satan. I would appreciate a visit from you folks, just

    too make a comparison of what I have learn from Satan and what's the

    new light. Satan's tactics have been the same from day one, you folks

    on the other hand, not the same organization when I left years ago.

    But if you still believe that Adam was the first man don't call me, your

    light is still off.

  • cultBgone

    Just had some very loud knocking on my front door and saw someone peering in the glass...creepy!

    Not dressed for visitors so quickly left the room. They waited several minutes, knocked loudly (almost 10 times, how rude!) and stood outside for several more minutes before leaving.

    No invitation in door so perhaps elders from old cong....wondered when this would happen. All advice welcome!


    Don't answer. They will forget about you once the memorial passes. Then you won't see them for another year.


  • cultBgone

    Thanks DD, I didn't answer and never plan to. I have a close family member in their cong and have no doubt she lets them know my weekend schedule, which she asks me about... It was still CREEPY! Having a man peering in your window is not cool. Appreciate your support.

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