Just got a call from an elder

by nolongerconfused 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • nolongerconfused

    So I faded over a year ago...I told the elders that if I needed them I would call them. 1 year and 3 months later, today, I get a call from an elder who used to be my good friend...He calls and I dont pick up..he leaves a voicemail, saying "Hello ____, please call me back at 444-444-4444 whenever you can".

    I was like wow, this HAS to be one of those calls to get inactive ones back to the memorial. No mention of he hopes I'm doing well, how have you been, etc... Very cold voicemail.

    Has anyone received a call from an elder with regard to the memorial?

  • konceptual99

    Either that or they are looking to call you out on your loyalty to the GB. Proceed with extreme caution.

  • LostGeneration

    Probably meh-memorial related. It falls pretty late this year so the calls/harassment is probably just getting started.

    Sounds like he's just going through the motions. Ignore and carry on with your awesome life.

  • factfinder

    An elder I have not seen or heard from in 9 years came by to see me out of the clear blue sky early one morning last week. I was asleep at the time. He did not leave any literature for me or memorial invite. My sister left me a note that he had come by.

    None of the elders have any real concern or interest in me. Probably my name was also on a list of those inactive who they try to get back to the memorial. All a formality to check our names off a list and get credit from Jehovah.

  • sir82

    It's the standard perfunctory Memorial invitation.

    Your name has now been checked off a list. They'll leave you alone for another year.

  • joe134cd

    I have never received a call from the elders, or been harassed, and that's the way I like it.

  • joe134cd

    I have never received a call from the elders, or been harassed, and that's the way I like it.

  • sarahsmile

    Are you going to call him back?

    Whatcha going to do when they come for you?

  • blondie

    I can see it now, the elders sitting around the table, the COBOE gives them a list of the inactives and asks for volunteers to call on their share. Or worse yet, he has made the selections for them. My husband was a new elder and was assigned another elder..they did what he called drive-bys. No call ahead, come at a time they are not likely to be home, determine that as you drive by. Next...

  • sir82

    Blondie, did you used to sit in on our elders' meetings? Maybe you were hiding in the closet.....

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