Head covering for women--how did you feel about this? Men? Women?

by humbled 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Watkins

    All the wt knows how to do is strain gnats. This has nothing to do with today's society. In context, I believe it was about former prostitutes who'd had their heads shaved as punishment from the Roman justice system. Those women became Christians and had no 'glory' of hair, and the 'head covering' was in lieu of hair. So if you have hair, you're good to go, imho. That's what I think. But I hold-out that I could be wrong about that. ;) In any case - Paul's words were addressed to one particular instance in one particular congregation and were never intended to be law for all, forever.

    2 cents. :)


  • villagegirl

    Its abou SUBMISSION ladies and being a second class citizen.

    Thats why you can't give talks, or pray in a congregation, or carry a microphone.

    And why there will never be a woman on the Governing Body, even though the scripture

    says clearly " there is neither Jew no Greek , nor male or female, but you are all one in the Christ"

    Just completely ignored. = Bad religion. False doctrines. Two classes? = False Doctrine.

    Faithful and Discreet Slave? = False Doctine. Governing Body? = False Doctrine.

    Preventing any believer from partaking of the bread and wine? = False Doctrine.

    Galations 3: 26-29 Gone is the distinction between Jew and Greek, slave and free man,

    male and female—you are all one in Christ Jesus.

    And if you belong to Christ, you are true descendants of Abraham,

    you are true heirs of his promise.

  • SAHS

    I’ve always been quite bothered by the head covering rule. All this horseshit about women being put under the male (corporate) iron thumb is really an idea based on ancient times when a man was considered to be a woman’s owner as property, or chattel. It is so far removed from today’s progressive social and legal society that it isn’t even funny; it’s ridiculous!

    The thing that really gets me angry and disturbed is that a woman can work at a job as the leader of a large company or even a major politician during the day, but then at the Kingdom Hall she is barred from even the most simple and mundane tasks such as working behind the literature counter, handling the microphones, operating the sound system, opening the doors and greeting visitors, or escorting latecomers to their seats! It doesn’t even make any logical sense. (Not too much does in the JWs’ little world, when you think of it. Blood, beards, birthdays, on and on . . . .)

    Basically the only thing a woman can do there is clean the toilets and scrub the floor, and with the way they’re viewed by the WTS it’s a wonder they aren’t required to wear a head covering to do that too. Even the orthodox Jews and Muslims are more progressive in a lot of ways than the JWs.

    That’s why I think that everybody in the community should be aware of all these nonsensical and controlling rules and tactics of the Watchtower religion so they will be educated and prepared before they get that seemingly benign visit from the JWs on Saturday morning. People should be able to know what they’re getting into. If people out there know all this stuff beforehand, then very few would want to join, whether man or woman.

  • LisaRose

    Perhaps we could come up with a brief summary of the more whack-a-doodle JW beliefs that could be spread through social media. We need something with punch, but not exaggerated. There are any number of subjects you could use, but their shabby treatment of women as second class citizens is something I think the average person will find surprising and repugnant.

    Any good writers here that could come up with something? It has to be short enough to put on Facebook. A picture would be great too, does anyone have an older publication that shows a woman showing "proper respect for headship"?

  • arimatthewdavies

    the bible does speak of a head covering for women but it also tells you what that covering is! a women with long hair!

    but because we want to not offend anybody keep a blue scarf in your purse that is the traditional womens prayor cloth

    men are not to wear a hat. its no big thing and it keeps um happy.

  • LisaRose

    It IS a big thing to me. Why would a man be so threatened by a woman preaching or saying a prayer? I don't care what the bible says, that was written thousands of years ago, there are a lot of things in the bible that are completely ridiculous and that people don't do anymore. The bible also says if a man rapes a woman he has to marry her, I don't see anyone following that rule these days.

    Women are not second class citizens.

  • Legacy


    Didn't read all the comments, but here it is in black & white from their own NWT (revised): 1 Cor. 11...

    Judge for yourselves: Is it fitting for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14 Does not nature itself teach you that long hair is a dishonor to a man, 15 but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her? For her hair is given to her instead of a covering. 16 However, if anyone wants to argue in favor of some other custom, we have no other, nor do the congregations of God.

    So to cover or not to cover ? Just as Jesus did, he always answered using the scriptures...so there it is in black & white...if the sister has hair, then she don't need no headcovering...I'm just saying...


  • humbled

    How much hair do we women need to be "covered", Legacy? Strippers wear pasties and a g-string. There's alot of latitude to the subject of what-covers-what.

    I have always wondered why the scripture at 1 Cor. 11:16 is not understood to allow that there should not be any hard-and-fast rule to head covering.

    In 1 Cor. 7 Paul in four different places says whether or not what he says is a command (v. 6) or whether the idea is from him not the LORD (v. 12), his opinion (v. 25, 40) .

    So why should we take anything Paul says as "gospel" if we choose to believe the bible at all?

    Paul himself says so often that he is not speaking for "the Lord"--so why don't Christians believe him?

    This is shameful, to make women continue as a child under her own male child. He grows up but she never does.

    A slave could become free but never a woman. Under this religion, under this kind of control, a woman never gets to have freedom.

  • Jaidubdub

    I always felt embarrassed for the sister who had to wear one...

  • Legacy


    I don't know, just that the sister has hair. But I guess if she has short hair, then she has to wear a hat. So true, Paul said that many times. Yet many of them say they imitate Paul. Since Paul didn't make it a hard rule, the witnesses did. Like many of their rules....most man-made.

    Ahh, where would man be without rules....maybe running around naked & happy, didn't God make the first rule....Don't eat from the tree of knowledge. Once you make a rule then you have to make a law....right?


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