Welcome, keep reading, questioning and learning. Hope your wife is open to thinking, too.
Carpe Diem!
by GoUnion 45 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, keep reading, questioning and learning. Hope your wife is open to thinking, too.
Carpe Diem!
Welcome, very well done. Intellectual honesty is very important, once you understand that you cannot believe something just because others do, then you are on the right path. It's a hard lesson, congratulations on learning it so young.
Welcome GoUnion, you think logically which set you free. Hope life is going well for you now.
Welcome GU
Welcome !
Being able to think and reason for yourself is a wonderful discovery . When I first left I was very confused on what I truly believed . Everything ,my whole life, had been spelled out to me by JW beliefs and teachings . It was scary at first ,but then exciting to research ,read ,and think for myself .
It is okay to not have all the answers the best part of learning is asking the questions freely ! Don't be surprised that your thoughts and beliefs will grow and change it is part of the journey .ENJOY !
Welcome GU!
What a carefully crafted first post. Designed to lure unsuspecting sheep away from God's True Organization (tm).
Just teasing. Your story has the refreshing aroma of honesty and truthfulness.
Take your time. Go VERY easy on your wife if she's not ahead of you in reevaluating the JWs.
I'm sending you a PM.
Best regards,
om and wife
Welcome to the forum GoUnion
You said ... This interpretation has no backing in scriptures.
Correct and once you deeply investigate this religious organization from its roots, you'll understand
that much of the contrived doctrines were created purposely and intently to proliferate literature
as well to self empower deviously corrupt maligning men who were using this religious
publishing house to do just that.
Go slow take your time and rationalize information with a balance sense of intellectual honesty and you'll realize what
is really the Truth about " The Truth "
Welcome to the forum. So glad you are reasoning and asking yourself important questions.
"In" over thirty years. Out now about seven. Wish I'd gotten out much sooner.
Welcome GoUnion! What does your wife feel?
Glad to see you here, “GoUnion”! You’re one of many, many people, growing every day, who are learning the real truth about the Watchtower religion.
Our biggest and most effective tools are facts and logic. These to the Watchtower Corporation are like daylight and holy water to a vampire. They cause both of them to crawl back into the dank corner they came from. Use them well, my friend.