Were you a minor when you were baptized

by Watchtower-Free 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Apognophos

    I was totally convinced she knew something I didn't.

    She did not.

    Isn't this the story for all of us, to some degree? We assumed that the adults in our lives must know something we didn't. Sure, some of the stuff we were being told seemed screwy, and maybe our teachers and schoolbooks disagreed with some of it, but it wasn't just our parents, it was this whole congregation of adults that believed it! And some of them were pretty smart! So surely they had good reason to think it was the truth.

    They did not.

  • sooner7nc

    17 so yes.

  • exwhyzee

    This lady was a minor at heart.....yaaaahooo !


  • Apognophos

    She was a minor, in the head.

  • villagegirl

    14 years, taken to an assembly by a school friends mother, she gave me

    a bathing suit of hers, and told me to get baptized. My parents knew nothing

    about this and in todays world I think she would have been guilty of some sort

    of crime. I was too afraid to tell my parents and feared that the WT now pretty

    much owned me and had life and death powers over me. When I talk to kids of

    that age today I realize how much of a child and magical thinker, I was.

  • Iamallcool

    I was 18 when I got baptized. CO talk encouraged me to consider to get baptized.

  • villagegirl

    lamallcool - Did he tell you to consider getting a university degree ?

    Did he tell you to go to community college and get some real employable

    skills to take care of yourself and contibute to your community and your family ?

    I am thinking he did not.

  • ILoveTTATT

    I was 11. I got baptized because I was jealous of my two cousins who just had gotten baptized and were getting all the attention.

  • LisaRose

    Since the decision to get baptized is based on lies told by the Watchtower, so it is a contract based on fraud.

    I consider my baptism to be invalid.

  • apostatethunder

    Not only was I a minor, but I was totally missinformed about the nature of this particular organization.

    Also they seem to view the baptism as a contract by virtue of which the corporation invites itself to enter your life and start interfering with it in order to continue manipulating you, while they emphasize to the candidates that it is just the public demonstation of their private dedication to God.

    So, it is kind of getting married while you are being told that you are just celebrating a birthday.

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