Were you a minor when you were baptized

by Watchtower-Free 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Watchtower-Free
  • subytrek

    Yes, I was 16 when I got baptized and I thought I was taking my time since there was so much pressure and there were other kids who had gotten baptized younger than I was; one at 13 and the other at 9. So, at the time I thought I was mature enough but now I know better and I should have waited until at least 18 and probably 21, since in the US you're not legally an adult until 18 but you can't even drink alcohol until 21. What if I was anointed at 16? I couldn't partake of the wine to show I was part of the covenant with Jesus. The whole baptizing kids is not right. It's hypocritical too since the Watchtower likes to say they don't do infant baptism but they sure like to baptize little kids. What's the difference?

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    My daughter was 14 and was just trying to fit in and make friends with the little snots I said she should be friends with, while denying her association with kids at school she really liked.

    The hardships she lives with now are all my fault.


  • Theredeemer

    I got baptized at age 10. Recently I argued with my brother who insisted that, because I was baptized, leaving the Org was worse than someone 'worldly'. He also added that I knew what I was getting into and I made a dedication to remain loyal to Jehovah. I asked "Did I honestly know what I was getting into? Does a ten year old really have the proper mental comprehension of the seriousness of a binding contract between himself and an organization?". I asked "If I had fallen in love with a girl from the hall and was convinced that I must marry her at age ten, do you believe that I should have been allowed to do so?". Obviously, he had no answer because he knew where I was going; we dropped it.

    If the commitment between god and person is viewed much more serious than a marriage, how on earth could any one under the age of 18 be allowed to get baptized? Jesus got baptized at age 30! There is no recorded instance of a child or under 18 youth getting baptized. If they are so dedidcated to biblical examples to back up thier practices or avoidences like birthdays (which has little biblical backing), why not avoid baptizing under 18?

  • DesirousOfChange

    If they are so dedidcated to biblical examples to back up thier practices or avoidences like birthdays (which has little biblical backing), why not avoid baptizing under 18?.

    Because then they lose control.

    To plagiarize another poster: It's a cult.


  • blondie


  • LostGeneration
  • BU2B

    I was 12. It should be a crime. I DID NOT know what I was signing up for. None of us did. We were indoctrinated with one side of the story. I admire born ins who resist all the pressure to get baptized. At least they escape the "shun gun" for the most part.

  • minimus

    i was a 9 yr. old minister.

  • Watchtower-Free

    In the summer of 1946, I was baptized at the international convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Although I was only SIX years of age, I was determined to fulfill my dedication to Jehovah.
    WATCHTOWER 1992 3/1 p.27

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