What is / was the first thing(s) you looked forward to doing once you were out for good?

by SecretHeart11 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Being able to play the Beatles when I wanted, hanging up my Beatles posters, and Christmas! It was about forty years ago. I still have ornaments from the first Christmas. Oh, my sister was given a fox terrier puppy but she became the family dog. My kid sister took her allowance and bought the puppy a bag of Christmas treats. She placed it on the tree. The dog smelled the treats. Tree on ground, treats being chewed with joy.

    Wishing each other "Merry Christmas" was awesome. It came so easily. No guilt.

  • lisaBObeesa

    The number one thing I could not wait to do when I got out was to just be with people. I felt so alone in JWs.

    I wanted to be in a crowd watching 4th of July fireworks, I wanted to be with people in Times Square celebrating New Years, I wanted to be with people at TGIF parties, I wanted to be with people in clubs, I wanted be with people cheering for the home team in a stadium full of fans, I wanted to be in the sea of people in the audience at every concert for every band that came to town...

    I wanted to participate! In everything! I wanted to be part of it all.

    Looking back, I realize I just wanted to be human, to feel like a human.

  • wasblind

    lisaBObeesa Well said

  • DJS

    You mean besides having indiscriminate sex with a lot of girls? Just kidding. I would say the same thing as NVR, just having the emotional release of not being controlled or judged for everything or feeling as though I had to judge others. And after 20 years guess what? I like myself so much better and I am essentially the same ethical, decent person - just without all the judgmental, narrow minded krink kronk from the Borg.

  • Ucantnome

    I wanted to go back and start again. Other than that nothing.

  • Vidiot

    Coming to logical and reasonable conclusions without feeling intellectually hamstrung by ideology.

    Also, becoming a rock star (although I readily admit that might be more difficult, for a number of reasons).

  • done4good

    Being able to finally think for myself.

    Everything else just followed naturally.


  • Gregor

    Thinking about the bigger question...

    Took me awhile, but I found my answer.

  • crmsicl

    Waking up in the morning without feeling a nagging sense of guilt. If I had a plan to do something ordinary thing like yard work, shopping, taking care of my elderly non JW Mother, etc. etc. I would feel guilty. It felt and still feels so good to wake up in the morning.

  • Apognophos

    I look forward to not having to spend time sitting at the meetings when I could be getting something useful done.

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