I think my D.O. Is a closet apostate. References Stanford Prison Study and hints he sometimes disagrees with the Branch

by kneehighmiah 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    They didn't invent the word, just gave it all kind of evil meaning. Apostate simply means one who leaves a religion and stands against it. It only has a negative connotation because of JW brainwashing that implies Apostates are bitter, angry people who scheme to rip away the faith of good Jehovah's Witnesses against their will. I wish I had that power. I am not bitter (well, OK, maybe a little), but someone has to stand up to this evil organization and speak truth to power. I am an apostate and proud of it.

  • ldrnomo

    Maybe there is a trend towards a coup

  • done4good

    I would not say for certain the DO is an apostate in the knowing TTATT sense.

    Many, many people in the organization do not agree with much of what goes on in it, (both what is sanctioned and by more indirect means), and in their more honest moments, might even say so. They are full of cognitive dissonance, and at times do try to resolve that dissonance correctly.

    Dare to point these things out to them, and see how quickly they will attempt to resolve that dissonance by fully invoking the cult persona.


  • InChristAlone

    This kind of makes me wonder if people know each other in real life and are unaware that they read each other's writings on this forum.

  • NewYork44M

    I have always promoted the idea of a secret handshake. Isn't this what the templars did in the 17th century?

  • kaik

    I would not think that D.O. is a closeted apostate. I remember various talking like these to lure unsuspecting and unhappy JWs with the organization from their annonimity, than denounce them and expel from WTB. D.O. can create a sense of reform and changes to people who for a while were critical with theology and governance of thw FDS, so they come out from the closet. Once these people are out and open, they can be easily put in front of JC and DFs. I remember one elder who analyzed something likes from our D.O. and later brought to elders. The called the D.O. who of course denied, and elder was out where JC had only one intention: kick rebels out.

    WT is a master of lies and will decieve many.

  • AnneB

    I have always promoted the idea of a secret handshake.

    Human handshakes don't work unless the people are in close proximity, IRL.

    Asking if someone is "a friend of Simon" can be done online or in person, and in cases of uncertainty can be explained away as "I thought someone said you had a friend named Simon" or some such.

  • kneehighmiah

    Oh one more thing. I thought it was strange he used the phrase Watchtower bible and tract society, instead of "the slave" when talking about a publication.

  • bigmac

    or--just ask him if he reads "jwn"

    if he replies--yes--wait for him to continue

    if he replies--no--he does !!!

    but if he replies--"whats jwn ?"---its up to you how you handle it. could be fun.

  • KateWild

    Very interesting OP, it sounds like he is trying to make the organisation better from the inside and doing his best to make things more pleasant for the average JW. A CO that cares about hoe elders trest the flock is refreshing and certain cause for pause for thought does he know TTATT?

    Kate xx

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