JW's and suicide: Huffington Post Article

by kneehighmiah 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • kneehighmiah

    The writer of this article commends the work JW's have been doing on suicide prevention. Obviously he has not seen the secret elders tapes.


  • blondie

    Can you send him a copy?

  • nonjwspouse

    Blondie, excellent suggestion!!!!! brilliant!

  • ILoveTTATT

    Gotta hand it to the JW's... Brilliant at PR... If he only saw the video... He'd probably be disgusted at what he, in his ignorance, wrote.

  • lisaBObeesa

    This author really needs to see the secret elder's video! It goes against almost everything the author of the article says!

    From the same article: (!)

    Crisis isn't the time for proselytization. Instead of focusing on the text of your preferred religious book, focus on the person and their needs in that moment. Simply listening to what the person in crisis is going through is a great start. Acknowledging their emotional pain as legitimate is tremendously important as is searching for clues within the person's speech to help them find reasons they might want to live. And finally, it's imperative that you refer that person in crisis to seek professional help.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    What work have they been doing on suicide prevention????

    The Huffington Post may have been wrongly informed that JW elders worldwide had recently attended a weekend long siminar focusing on suicide prevention, when all along they spent 30 to 45 minutes viewing a video depicting a couple of 'Mutt and Jeff' or 'Abbott and Costello' type personalities in the form of two JW elders counseling a suicidal woman and who promptly celebrated their success with having milk and cookies.

    I agree send The Huffington Post a copy of the video.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    Here we go! This must be an example of one of those "outright lies" being told in the media! (see Watchtower, December 15, 2013: "Don't Be Shaken from Your Reason!")

    How DARE you, Huffington Post!?!

    Defaming Jehovah's organization in such a manner?

  • kneehighmiah

    I don't have a copy of the video. Can someone send it? This is an issue that has personally affected me. I lost a JW relative to suicide.

  • rebel8


  • AudeSapere

    from the article linked by the OP: Two faith-based organizations have been doing commendable work. Awake! magazine (Jehovah's Witnesses) did an article about reasons to live and Eljiah's Journey is an organization dedicated to being "A Jewish Response to the Issues of Suicide Awareness and Prevention" (I am neither a Jehovah's Witness or Jewish; however, I serve on the advisory board for Elijah's Journey).

    Wow! He sure got this one wrong.


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