Did JWN Discredit "JehovahIsJudgeUk" website?

by RottenRiley 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • RottenRiley

    They use poor reasoning, they wiggle around the question and ignore the fact the Watchtower was affiliated with the United Nations. This website fails to ignore the facts that we were not allowed to join the YMCA even though we did not follow the Charter Rules, the Watchtower agreed to follow the UN Charter and did so from 1992 to 2001 when the Scandal was exposed.

    Have any of you seen works to debunk their slanted arguments and dishonest play of words?

    The Early Watchtowers were clear anyone putting their name on the rolls of the United Nations were Doomed! Where do these guys get off lying and avoiding those facts?

  • RottenRiley

    Hi, did anyone discredit this website that claims the Watchtower never joined the United Nations? I read through their twisted logic, I can't accept their premise the Watchtower could join while we were told even paying a penny to the YMCA would cause us to join Babylon the Great.

    Who is the best person on JWN to break their reasoning, Cedars?

  • AnnOMaly

    It's been done already. You mean, of course, the jehovahsjudgment site. Jeffro has debunked the 607 stuff the site did. The author Thirdwitness came on here years ago and his claims (607, UN) were deconstructed and refuted. More material HERE.

  • WhoYourDaddy

    >> Where do these guys get off lying and avoiding those facts? <<<

    JW's are pros at ambient abuse.

  • RottenRiley

    So they were followers of the E-Watchman guy, got tricked in to exposing the Apostasy of 1992 and now they repented from their sins? Sounds like a Cult! Thank you for helping me on this one, I used JW-Facts and read the Letter-Trail with Watchtower's Spin-Machine, oh he was not a good spin-doctor, he sucked and the UK Guardian Author crushed his lying ass! Does he not know Jesus Christ hate's liars and will send them to Hell?

    Ty again, it's still hard to understand how easy Witnesses lie to keep their faith, how did they ever stand up in the face of Nazi Persecution, if they easily Waffle under a UK Author? Oh, that's right, it was the Germans who withstood while Ruthernut pickled his liver with good whisky like many JW Elders I know of, it's how they disfellowshiped ROBBY and gave poor advice to Suicide Blonde!

  • jwfacts
  • jookbeard

    sorry Billy , time to wake up, Jeffro showed up your lies and dishonesty countless times , better start reading them over again ! the paper that has 607 written on it doesn't even warrant toilet roll, like very other failed prophecy before it, you lot just cuddle up with The Wild Beast , you are made for each other.

  • besty

    Boy did you people bet of the wrong horse

    sigh - why is their grammar always so poor? Opening with a poisoning the well fallacy is a winner though - way to go billy_the_skid

  • stillin

    I, personally, even back when I was a gung-ho dubbie, would not have cared a bit about the WT/UN affiliation. If the WT were a nation, maybe that would have bothered me. Speaking out of both sides of their mouths. But the reason given for being a Non Government Organization, getting access to UN research and demographics, seems perfectly plausible. I remember the Awake article coming out touting some of the actually positive things that the UN had accomplished and I felt proud that the WT was so balanced in their consideration of the UN. I was unaware of the NGO membership and the condition that NGO members were required to spread something good about the UN among their membership.

    So, what am I missing? A lack of neutrality I guess. But if an article came out in the Awake that went through each form of government on earth today and discussed both the positive and the negative aspects, I suppose people would bet bent up about that, too. I wouldn't. I would consider it an effort to educate the rank and file.

  • jookbeard

    Stillin , if I was a die hard JW when the UN membership came out it would have been the deal breaker for me, the hypocrisy is quite breathtaking, they are hemorrhageing members over far lesser issues, the membership demands an oath even greater then a flag salute, and they will have been DF'ing members who joined the YMCA! yet they still condemned the so called "churches of Christendom" that joined in exactly the same status,thats why they hushed it up, lied and used the "library card " pathetic excuse. Every JW that I speak to have no idea about their membership of it and claim that it's all apostate lies.

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